chapter fifteen

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Legolas's p.o.v

The clash of swords fills my ears yet again. I look up from the arrow I was inspecting, watching them spar for a moment.

"Get away from the blade, Pippin...on your toes...good, very good...I want you to react, not think." Boromir speaks as he attempts to show Pippin the 'proper' tactics. I shake my head, smiling slightly.

I'm sure that's the proper way in Gondor, but elvish combat style is much more affective.

"Should not be too hard..." I hear Sam say confidently, from a place not far from them.

"Move your feet." Boromir Warns, and he complies.

"Quite good, Pippin." Merry praises his cousin.

"Thanks." Pippin smiles.

Not far away I pick up on a conversion between Gimli and Gandalf.

"If anyone were to ask for my opinion, which i note they have not, I would say we're taking the long way round. Gandalf, we can pass through the mines of moria. My cousin, balin, would give us a royal welcome." Gimli tries to convince him.

Oh, great. Caves.

"No Gimli, I would not take the road through moria unless we had no other choice." He says sternly.

I run over the rocks, looking up at a strange cloud in the sky.

It's dark and fast moving...

"Ahh!" A sword clatter to the ground.

I glance around to make sure no one's hurt.

Pippin had dropped his sword. It looked as if boromir had accidentally cut him.

"Sorry!" Boromir steps forward, inspecting his hand.

Pippin kicked him in the leg.

"Get him!" Merry yells, throwing himself at boromir.

"For the shire! Hold him, hold him down merry!" Pippin joins them on the ground.

Boromir laughs.

"Gentlemen, that's enough." Aragorn steps forward.

I turn back to the cloud.

"You've got my arm...Arg!... you've got my arm!" Pippin strains.

"What is that?" Sam asks.

"Nothing, it's just a whisp of clouds." Gimli replies.

"It's moving fast...against the wind..." Boromir speaks, seeming to have escaped the hobbits.

"It looks like-" Nakoma starts, but I cut her off, mid-sentence.

"Crebain! From Dudland!"

"Hide!" Aragorn runs to get his sword.

"Hurry!" Boromir urges the hobbits.

"Frodo, take cover!" Aragorn grabs his sword.

We all run, gathering our things, and dousing the fire, before hiding.

I roll under a bush and in two seconds, I'm face to face with Nakoma.

"This seems to be becoming a regular thing." I whisper.

The air is thick with those disgusting birds.

After a moment, the birds have passed a safe distance.

"Don't get used to it." She rolls out from under the bush.

Everyone else does the same.

I follow her. When I get to my feet, she's already dusting herself off.

"Spies of Saruman. The passage is being watched. We must take the pass of caradhras." Gandalf looks up at the snow-peaked mountains.

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