13. War of Hearts

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After leaving S

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After leaving S.T.A.R. Labs, along with Barry and the time wraith that wanted to kill him, I figured that I should go check back up on the other Barry. I mean, it wasn't like I really cared that much about this Barry, but I thought making sure that he wasn't dead or something along those lines would be a good move. Especially since if he was dead, then my Barry would be too...I think. Time travel messes with my head.

My hair whips around my face as I skid to a halt, the boots Cisco had given me for my costume working perfectly. He really was amazing for making this. I quickly brush a few stray strands of hair out of my face before turning towards the dumpster, seeing a red boot sticking out slightly behind it. Looks like he was still here...let's just hope he's not dead.

I take my time as I walk over towards the dumpster, tuning in on all of the other sounds around me as I did so. Cars honk in the distance and people continue to chatter away on their phones; it amazed me how things never have changed. I quietly chuckle to myself before I lean up against the dumpster, finding the speedster still lying there, unmoved.

His chest falls and rises with a constant beat as the suit hugs his body tightly, the egg white symbol in the middle standing out more than I had ever realized. I cock my head slightly as I watch him, wondering if I should just leave him here or take him somewhere more safe, I suppose. I guess we won't be here for much longer though; depends on how long it takes for Eobard and Barry to figure out how to stop that time wraith.

The longer I stood there and thought about the time wraith, it made me wonder if Jay has ever gone back in time and didn't tell me about it. I wondered if he's had to deal with the same type of thing before; I bet he knows how to stop them. If only he was here right now...

I missed him.

I pause when I see Barry's eyelashes flutter, but only for second. My breathing stops as I watch him closely, noticing that his breathing wasn't as patterned as it was before. Just when I swore that his heart started to race faster, he's leaping off of the ground and tackling me.

A loud grunt escapes my throat as he pins me down, breathing heavily as he looks down at me. "Who in the hell are you and what is going on!"

Rage burns inside of me; only because never did I let anyone take me down like that. I don't say anything as I retaliate by grabbing his wrist and twisting it, but not breaking the bone. In that small moment of weakness, I push him up off of me before grabbing him by the shoulders, pushing him to where I'm pinning him up against the wall.

His breath trickles across my neck as his eyes widen. "No, no-just tell me what in the hell is going on-"

I raise my fist to knock him out again, but somehow, the little bastard slips out from under me before darting out of the alley and down the street. I'm baffled for a moment before I grit my teeth and take off after him, spotting him turn the corner towards S.T.A.R. Labs.

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