Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Ariel's POV

I woke up to a beautifully sleeping Zayn. His arm was wrapped around my waist and my face was resting on his chest. I pulled the duvet off of me, slowly slipping out of bed, making sure not to disturb Zayn. Gosh, I can't walk. Too sore. Take it easy next time, Zayn.

I walked in to the bathroom, turning the shower on, adjusting the heat. I slipped out of my clothes and jumped into the shower. The water was a little too hot for my liking so I adjusted it to make it a bit cooler. I let the water run down my body as I rubbed the shampoo in to my scalp and the ends of my hair. I washed my body with the 'Merry Marshmallow' scent body wash from Bath and Body Works and rinsed my body.

I walked out of the shower, throwing on my robe. I wrapped one towel around my hair, as it soaked up all the water. I put in a new fresh towel and a new tooth brush in the bathroom for Zayn to use when he woke up.

I walked to my closet, throwing on a pair of grey sweats from Victoria's Secret, PINK and a bright neon pink T-Shirt. I didn't feel like dressing up today, it was a lazy day for me. I took the towel out of my hair and let it out to air dry. I would have used my hair dryer but I didn't want to wake Zayn. Awe, I'm so nice.

I put on my warm, fuzzy slippers and walked downstairs. "Morning," I smiled at my mum and Jared. I slipped into a chair. Yes, mum made pancakes. I inwardly cheered.

"Morning," The said. Mum handed me my plate of Pancakes. I mumbled a 'thanks.'

"Where's Zayn? His pancakes will get cold." Mum asked.

"He's sleeping, he's really tired." I say.

"I wonder why," Jared rolled his eyes. I glared at him. Douche.

"Ariel, eat your pancakes," Mum said.

"No, it's fine, I'll wait for Zayn." I said. Mum smiled.

After about ten minutes of staring at my pancakes, I got frustrated. Where is Zayn? I'm hungry. As if on queue, Zayn waltzed down the stairs. His hair was wet from the shower he had.

"Good Morning Mrs. Winters." Zayn smiled. "What's up, Jared?" He smiled. Jared replied with a 'sup.'

"Good Morning, Zayn. Slept well?" Mum asked, kindly.  

"Yes, thank you." Zayn replied, politely.

Cliché - {Zayn Malik Fan Fiction Book 1, Cliché Series}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang