{He wants your attention} - Preference

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Anakin - If you're in a meeting with many other people, he would stare at you from across the room until you would finally look back at him. You might blush at this because he would never keep his eyes off of you and once he gets your attention, he smiles his gorgeous smile that you adored

Luke - You were a medic for the Resistance and you were usually attending to many of the wounded. Luke, being the cute boyfriend he is, would probably walk in the medical bay with a hot caffeinated drink to keep you awake and he'd have your attention for at least a few minutes.

Obi Wan - You love books, adore them even. Once you pick one up, you can't put it down. This sometimes bothers Obi Wan since he always wants your attention so he would at times take your book away from you and tell you that he needs (Y/N) time

Poe - You were also a medic for the Resistance but you stayed at the base a lot while your boyfriend was usually up in space to fight the First Order. Whenever Poe was around and you were working, he would pretend to be hurt and you would be annoyed that he was taking your time out of treating other patients but you thought it was adorable for him wanting to come see you nonetheless

Finn - When you came back from work, you just wanted sleep. It demanded so much from you that when you plopped down on your bed with Finn already there, you didn't care about anything else but sleep. Finn, on the other hand, missed you throughout the day and he wanted to spend time with you. He would give you a massage, knowing it's the only way to make you happy without bothering you. You would sigh and talk to him about your day 

General Hux - In the morning, while you were reading a book, he would just watch you with a soft smile, loving how focused you would look while reading. He would then get bored and set the book aside, kissing you

Kylo Ren - You were a General on the Star Killer Base which would entice that you had an enormous workload that you would go through the day. At night, Kylo would watch you and you would look over at him, confused for a moment. He'd smirk and put his hand on your thigh then say "you need a break" before kissing you

Kanan - Whenever you weren't at the base speaking with the other commanders of the Resistance, you were preoccupying yourself with Kanan. Your boyfriend would make up any excuse for you to come see him and you found that extremely endearing

Ezra - You were around Kanan a lot, he was like the older brother you never had. Ezra believed that it was more than that so he would get jealous. He would possibly make up an excuse for you to leave Kanan before kiss you and tell you "you're mine"

Captain Rex - You guys would keep your loving interactions between each other lowkey whenever you were around others, especially your master Anakin Skywalker and the other clones. You two managed to at least know what each other was feeling with the glances you would give each other

Han Solo - You usually worked alongside Leia for battle tactics and planning out missions so you never really saw Han that much. As you worked, there would be times he would come over and you would speak to him for a few moments, give him a short kiss before continuing with the task at hand. To get your attention for longer than those few moments, he would do things to impress you which would make you roll your eyes but laugh at his attempts

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