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Slightly earlier that day.

While Sebastian was busy engaged in the embrace of his art, the genius prose falling from his brilliant mind like a waterfall of eloquence, for Minx Von Tease it was yet another ordinary day as Acquisitions Manager, Deputy CEO and Head Curator of the Artistic-Literary Museum Division of Omnicore AAPC (Art Antiquities Publications Corp) and she, just another ordinary multi millionaire businesswoman by day, Dominatrix by night going about her business just like millions of other ordinary corporate New Yorkers.

Actually Minx Von Tease, like her good friend Sebastian was originally British but had relocated to New York City when her estranged father Maximillion Von Tease had reached out to her and thus become stranged when their estrangement ended. Nowadays she was her father's right hand though not literally as that would be both weird and inappropriate.

Minx shook her head and wondered why she had thought such a thing as it was way too early in this narrative for her motivation to be hinted at ... well alright then, she had Daddy issues and you, dirty minded reader are now thinking there may have been some incest happening earlier when Minx was a teenager. If you weren't thinking that - good on you but keep in mind that Maximillion used his right hand much in the way most men use their right hands ... he used it for writing, you dirty gits!*

*Editor's note - What the fuck is a gits? Another Brit expression? Americanise.

Minx shook her head and wondered why she had thought such a thing as it was way too early in this narrative for her motivation to be hinted at ... well alright then, she had Daddy issues and you, dirty minded reader are now thinking there may have been some incest happening earlier when Minx was a teenager. If you weren't thinking that - good on you but keep in mind that Maximillion used his right hand much in the way most men use their right hands ... he used it for writing, you dirty mo'fo's!

Minx Von Tease was at 32 years old, the youngest ever Corporate Acquisitions Curator Deputy CEO ever in the history of ever. She was beautiful, accomplished, clever, kinky and looked like a 21st Century Betty Page crossed with exactly how you'd imagine Queen Cleopatra to look like, but with pale gothic, dresses all in black, vampire with alabaster skin and blood red ruby crimson lips of a fullish scarlet crimson hue.

In other words she was hot and perfect - in her own way the female equivalent of her handsome genius friend Sebastian Black.

*Editor's note - The big boys wanna let you know how much they appreciate you takin' their advice on the Chapter 2 rewrite. The first draft was good buddy but all that shit about flaws an character building for Sebastian an Minx, well it wasn't flying up in the boardroom at Bandwagon. Glad you kept it simple - our readers wanna read about virtually perfect main characters.

*Writer's reply - Got it. I'm channelling my ten year old writer self for this - but its ok to throw in the tormented artist trope, right?

*Editor's note - Yeah, as long as the only shit that fucks em up is sexual/kinky. Otherwise, ya just got an imperfect douche bag that beats up and humiliates his dumb fuck girlfriend. So ya gotta keep on reminding the readers about how handsome, successful, rich and genius this guy is an how he's hung like a fuckin horse with the body of an Adonis, because that's what our demographic wants ta fantasize is kicking the crap out of em!!!

Minx had started her day, stretching languorously beneath her real mink and otter blend covers and then slipping naked from the bed to pad into the sleek chrome and white kitchen of her triplex penthouse where she bent over, displaying pink lipped vulvic perfection, to pour a bowl of milk for her pet.

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