Ain't worth a dime

22 2 0

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time
Waking up and then I would realise
That this world ain’t worth a dime
This life is confusing me
It ruined me
But still I won’t make any sacrifice.
I’m tired of holding on to this sick life.
Who should I blame
It’s my personal torture game
Holding on tomorrow
Like today has no sorrow
Scratch that
It’s not what I meant or said
I’m blinded by filthy temptation
Causing some chemical reaction
Feels like an freaking addiction
I only want to free myself from this self destruction
I’m not seeking for any attention
This life makes me miserable
Knowing that I’m not capable
To be a better me.
To finally see
That Allah SWT gave me more opportunity
Ways to succeed
But nevertheless I’m me.
The sinner with anger and fear.
May Allah SWT release
What’s keeping me
From turning myself to him

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