Chapter 189

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Lana's pov
We were on our way to the hospital. Blake can finally see his mom. My phone start ringing. "Hello Lana
- heyy Ben.
- tomorrow we have to be at the avenue at 6 okay?
- fuck i forgot the show. Ben we should cancel it.
- no no no noway Lana. We can't cancel any show. It's so bad for your carreer
- i'm in new york. Blake can't come. His mom is sick.
- If Blake can't you can. I will find someone for the guitar.
- Wait i'll call you in a few minutes."

"Shitt i totally forgot the show" i say to Blake. "You should do it Lana. Last year we cancelled so much shows.
- what about you?
- You know i can't leave my mom with this dick.
- i don't want to perform without you and i want to be here for you.
- baby it's fine. We'll talk on the phone.
- If i'm gonna do it i'll have to leave tonight. And it's two show in two days.
- Come on Lanz. It's fine. We'll be fine." I nodd and we park the car. "I'll tell Ben i'm doing the show. Go if you want i'll follow you.
- Okay." He say and hug me.

After i talked to Ben i walk inside the hospital and walk to the room. Suddently i see Patrick in front of me. "Heyy Lizzy
- Listen Patrick i really don't want to talk to you. And not right now.
- I'm sorry about what happened. I want to fix things.
- Well maybe it's too late" i comtinue walking, he holds my arm but i push him away. "Don't touch her" Blake say walking out of the room. I go and hug him. Patrick nodd and say "okay i'll leave"
I start crying in Blake's arms. "No babe. What's wrong? Did he said something? Did he hurted you?
- No no i'm just scared of him. I still can't forget what he tried to do.
- i'm here hun. Don't cry." I nodd and ask "did you see her?
- Yeah. But she just can see one person a day. She asked about you. She's good." I hug him again and say "thanks god
- Lana is soemthing wrong?
- i don't know. I'm probably too emotional because of the baby. But don't worry
- Come let's go home. You need to relax
- but we just came.
- I can't see her more than 5 minutes so that's it for today.
- Okay let's go."

Blake's pov
Lana is really emotional today. She was crying at the hospital and now that we're home she keeps laughing about everything. "I'll come just after the the shows." She says hugging me. I kiss her and say "we have to go to the airport or we'll be late.
- Okay" she said looking sad.
When we arrive she start crying. "Ugh i hate being pregnant, i keep crying all the time
- baby we'll be fine. We'll talk everytime we can. There is no other way.
- Yeah i know.
- take care. I love you."i kiss her and touch her stomach "you and the baby. I love you both" it makes her smile and she leaves.
I go back home and relax on the sofa.
I really wish Lana coykd stay but she can't cancel shows. It brings so much bad reputation. The wedding is in some week. After it we will never leave each other.

Lana's pov
When i arrive at Colorado, Ben was waiting for me. I walk to him and we hug each other "how was your flight?
- Good.
- i'm sorry Lanz. But we really have to finish this tour. I understand you're tired but it's important.
- Yeah i know. It's okay. Did you find a guitarist?
- Yeah his name is Daniel. He's a big fan actually and already know how to play all the songs. He's really good.
- Okayy good. Let's meet him when we arrive at the hotel.
- Yeah come. There is a car who will drive us to the hotel." I follow him to the car and we head to the hotel.
I see all the band. It's weird to be here without Blake. He's always been here. It will be our first show without him. "Hey Lana! I'm Daniel. I'll be your guitarist for this 2 shows.
- Nice to meet you Daniel. I hope you'll have fun playing with us.
- I'm sure i will. You're so beautiful, much more than all the pictures you have.
- Aww thank you. You're beautiful too" i said smiling. Which is true. He is very beautiful. Ben came and said "Lana go relax one hour amd we're going to go try with Daniel and the band how it works with him. "Okay. I'll bye guys. See you soon." When i get in my room i text Blake "I'm finally at the hotel. I met the guy who's gonna replace you. He seems nice. I hope it will work. I'm gonna relax. Bye. I love you and already miss you."

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