~Chapter 1-Company~

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It was a quiet day, nothing particularly exciting going on.

You watch watch the dark grey clouds pour down rain against your bedroom window, a small smile coming to your face. Lightning flashes across the sky making you shrink down into your wheel chair and a loud crash following immediately after.

A knock on your bedroom door snaps you out of your trance, an unhappy groan bubbling up your throat. You wrap your fingers around the wheels of your wheel chair, pushing forward towards the door. Swinging the door open, your parents stood there with gut churning smiles.

"Hello, sweetie!" Your mom cheers.

Your eyebrows scrunch together at her loud greeting, eyes gleaming with pity for yourself. Your dad reaches forward and pats your head a couple times making you squeak.

"Guess what?" Your dad pipes up.

You force a fake smile at them, flashing your pearly whites only for your smile to fall after a second or two. The two notice your glum attitude, trying to keep a positive expression.

"What, Dad?" You mumble, leaning an elbow on your wheelchair arm, looking at through your eyelashes.

"We found something you might like..." He points to the TV.

You nod, pushing past them and rolling into the living room where the TV is. After turning your wheelchair around to where you could see the TV, you instantly pull your hands to your chest. Your parents walk in after you, seeing your eyes shine with pure happiness.

"My old dancing tapes." You breathe out, lips still curled into a smile.

"We found them in the attic and thought you might like to watch them."

As the younger you dances across the screen of your TV, your smile fades completely, tightened lips replacing the once gleeful smile. Your orbs watch the younger you smile and give a thumbs up the camera right in the middle of a dance solo. You pause the tape, lifting a hand from your heaving chest and putting a finger on the little you.

You lean away from the TV, letting your hands fall into your lap. You lift up your hanging head, looking at your parents with eyes pooled with tears.

"I-it still hurts."

Tears run right down your cheeks, making you quick to wipe them away with your long sleeve. Your parents let their smile fall, scrambling over to you for a group hug. No matter how hard you didn't want to cry, you did anyway. Seeing that little you on the TV just broke you in half. Oh... how you wanted to be able to get out of this retched wheelchair and dance again.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). We know it does." Your mom wipes away the remaining tears from your eyes, giving a soft kiss to your forehead.

"But I know something that will lift your spirits!" Your dad suddenly cheers, racing around the room to grab his car keys.

"Do you know what today is?" Your mom asks, tilting her head.

"Uhm... no?" You rub your reddened eyes, shrugging your shoulders slightly.

"It's Friday!" Your dad grabs the two bars on the back of your wheelchair, rolling you towards the front door.

Your glum mood instantly changes, a bright smile paining it's way onto your crimson colored cheeks. Your mom snatches up a umbrella before heading outside in the rain.

"Oh man! I almost forgot!"


The car rolls up to the theater, music blasting inside the old building. You bounce up and down as your parents unbuckle their seat belts.

Hurting Heart (Dancetale!Sans x Paralyzed!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now