Chapter 17

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It’s been two weeks since the whole drama with Keli and Niall. The past two weeks have been very quiet. I haven’t heard much from Keli and Niall had gone back to his old habits to bring girls home every night. I hadn’t talked much to Niall either; he spent the most of his time in his bedroom with a girl, or alone. I didn’t know what to do, if I should do anything at all. I mean it’s not my fault what happened between him and Keli, I’m not the one who wasn’t careful, but he already knew that…

Its one week until school starts again and this summer vacation have been pretty fucked up. That’s why I’ve longed after today. I’m going out with some of the other dancers from school and I think I need that, to clear my mind.

I got dressed in a sundress from forever 21; it’s a white dress with black flowers on the end and the top. When I was done getting dressed, I curled my hair a bit so I got some of those beach curls that I love.

Then I finally was ready to go and I went out of my room and noticed that the TV was on, I looked over at the couch and saw Niall lying with one of his legs over the edge of the couch.

Stella: I’m going now.

I said and he just took his hand up and waved goodbye. It bothered me that he hadn’t talked to me properly for days and I guess today, I just couldn’t take it anymore.

Stella: You know, there’s something called “talking”, it’s a thing that normal people who live together does.

I looked at him and surprisingly, he sat up and looked at me.

Niall: Where are you going dressed in that?

Is all he said and I sighed and turned around to go out to the hallway.

Stella: if you’re going to give you opinion on my clothes, my hair or my smile or my weight, please don’t open your fucking mouth. I don’t want to hear your opinions because when it comes to who I am and how I dress, the only opinion that matters is the person staring back when I look in the mirror and believe me, her opinion isn’t very nice either.

I get out to the hallway and put my shoes on and when I stand up again, Niall is standing infront of me.

Stella: I’m not fighting with you today.

Niall: I was going to tell you that you looked nice in that dress but you went all bitch on my arse before I got the chance to.

I just looked at him, I had expected him to say something bad to me but he didn’t, and it surprised me.

Stella: Oh… well thanks.

Niall: So where are you going?

Stella: I have this thing with some people from school.

Niall: Too bad, I wanted to ask you if you felt like catching a movie or something tonight.

Stella: Can I take a rain check? We do this every year…

Niall: Yeah sure, whatever.

He says and walks back to the livingroom. I leave it at that.

The whole time at the diner, my mind keeps traveling back to Niall and his offer to catch a movie. I would prefer watching a movie with Niall right now over this. We were just talking about school, dance shows and I found out that James had got a job to dance with a celebrity, which was kind of awesome but I still felt like watching a movie with Niall.

While everyone was talking, Keli turned to me and whispered so no one else would hear.

Keli: Is he on your mind?

I looked at her and shook my head.

Stella: Who?

She looked down at my plate and I realized that I had made an N in my ketchup with my fries. Holy crap I was acting like a 13 year old! I took another fry and removed the N from my ketchup.

Stella: It’s nothing.

Keli: If you want to leave, I’ll cover for you.

Stella: I don’t want to leave.

Keli: Are you sure?

A smile spread on her lips and I shook my head and pushed her away easily. The conversation continued and I pretended to be into it but after about 10 more minutes, I looked at Keli.

Stella: Can you-

Keli: Go.

She smiled and I stood up from the table.  James looked at me and I gestured to Keli.

Keli: Stella’s brother wanted her for something, she has to leave.

I heard her say as I walked out of the diner. I jumped into my car and drove back to the flat.

When I got inside the flat, I took my shoes of and went into the livingroom, Niall was still lying in the couch and I walked over and sat down next to him. He looked at me and a smile spread on his face as he sat up and handed me the bowl of popcorn.

Niall: What movie do you want to watch?

Stella: You pick, I’m up for whatever.

He went off the couch and went into his room, for a minute, I thought that he wouldn’t come back. But when he came back, he had a movie in his hand and he put it in the DVD.

Niall: It’s that cute movie, “we bought a zoo”, I like it.

Stella: Sounds nice.

I said and he went back to the couch and started the movie. It actually kills me when the two of us doesn’t talk, I don’t know why or how he’s got this weird type of control over me but he does and to be honest, I don’t think I mind it. Not at all.

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