32: I Love You

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For the first few seconds, I was still trying to figure out what just happened. I was locked in an empty toilet with no source of light and communication WTH! I think someone was playing a sick prank on me and it really wasn't funny.

Two minutes later and the lights hadn't come back on and then I started to panic. I started to bang the door furiously hard hoping to actually break the door or at least someone could hear me or something but nothing....no one.

I slid to the floor raising my knees to my chest and resting my head on them, thinking of my next fate. What if I was locked in here forever and then die of starvation? What if no one finds me? What if someone locked me in here to kill me? What if.....what if?
Oh God! I was going crazy by the moment. Where the hell was Eric? Where did he run off to? Thank his stars he didn't make all those cheesy promises like 'I'll always be there for you' 'I'll never leave you' because I'm going to kill him if I ever get out of here. And seriously what the hell happened to my phone.....or was it that guy that bumped into me earlier? I remember him leaning to my side, could he be the one that locked me in here? I don't have any enemies or so I think so why is this happening to me?
I was frustrated beyond words....


This damn meeting was boring as hell, I didn't understand half of what they were talking about and why was it taking so long? My father never invites me to stuff like this why did it have to be today and right now? Leaving Cheryl was bad enough and wasting this much time was worse. I need to get out of here now!

"So what do you think Eric?" A question was directed at me and I was staring back looking really dumb. There were three other strange looking men clad in black suits and then my dad, I was the youngest and the odd one out and it felt really strange, I needed to leave ASAP.

I stood up immediately and straightened my tie, it was so weird to wear a suit.

"I think I need to take a leak" I said, the three nodded towards me and I noticed a slight smirk on my father's face as he stared forward not even sparing me a glance.

That was weird.

I quickly rushed out of the room to the party hall to meet Cheryl but then she wasn't where I left her, there was no trace if her auburn hair anywhere. She really didn't listen when I said she shouldn't move an inch; then I saw Tyler at a distance and I decided to ask him because maybe he could've seen her or something, at least he must've talked to her.

"Have you seen Cheryl?" I asked him.

"She was standing......" He pointed at a particular direction and stopped talking when he didn't see her there. "I don't know anymore have you tried calling her?"

I brought out my phone and dialled her number, it kept ringing but she wasn't picking up. I called it three more times but she didn't pick up.

"What is that?" Tyler pointed at something, I turned towards it and it was an iPhone lying helplessly on the floor. When I picked it up I realized it was Cheryl's phone and it was on silent mode, Cheryl never keeps on her phone on silent.

"It's her phone" I said to Tyler my eyes widening out of panic.

"Relax maybe she's just in the restroom" Tyler said.

"Why is her phone here and she's in the restroom?"

"Maybe she dropped it" he said again.

"My ass, Cheryl is not that careless" I rolled my eyes, just then I felt my phone vibrate on my hand... It was a text from an unknown number

You shouldn't have left her, now it's all your fault you can't find her

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