~Halloween~ Oneshot #2

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Also requested by wildkratticusfever !
Keep the requests coming guys, I'm enjoying them!

{Jesse's POV}

"So, Petra. What are you going as this year?" I asked Petra, who was working on her costume.

"You'll see...what are you dressing as?"

"Alex..." I said.

"Alex isn't even scary!" She argued. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

-A few hours later-

We were all round Lukas' for Halloween. Everybody was there; even the Blaze Rods! That was something.

I hadn't seen what Lukas was wearing get, but Petra couldn't stop smirking to herself whenever I asked her.

"Lukas! Jesse and Petra are here!" Yelled Axel from inside, wearing a Creeper hat.

I walked through the door when a guy in a turquoise shirt and blue jeans turned around to look at me.
His hair was blonde, but they attempted to spray part of it brown.

"Lukas?" I asked, laughing a little "who are you dressed as?"

"Steve..." He then looked at me wide eyed.

Alex and Steve.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2016 ⏰

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