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Jill Scott - Hear My Call Remixed

Here I am again, asking questions
Waiting to be moved
I am so unsure of my perception
What I thought I knew I don't seem to
Where is the turn so I can get
Back to what I believe in?
Back to the old me and...

Go for everything that I know I can acheive
Look my eyes in the mirror and say you're beauty is from within
Live a little for me
be selfish without committing a sin

God I feel you within ...
I know you can hear me calling for answers
An old soul just looking for that sane shelter
Call a place home without lying because its the only answer

Fell in the same hole perpetual times
Lost myself in misery
Lost poetry at the same time
Couldn't spit a line
Barely having a dime
Barely having time
For me

God, please hear my call
I am afraid for me
Love has burned me raw I need your healing
I need your healing

I've been such a fool, how did I get here?
Played by all the rules then they changed
I am but a child to your vision
Standing in the cold and the rain

Lost here in the dark I can't see
Gotta take a stand, what is happening?
Oh, this hurts so bad.
I can hardly breathe
I just want to leave so

I can get back
Back to when I was proud
Never afraid to be loud
Or breaking hearts
Especially if they weren't even allowed
Left home just to see what this freedom thing was all about
Not knowing the environment around you is all distractions
Lived my life like a silent movie with no captions
Saw everything while moving in different time zones
Never had time to really pause and breathe
Just keep smiling and hold on
Be strong
You know God got you
God only helps those who help themselves
So why have you been living through everyone else
When in order to help others one day you got to help yourself .

La Vie...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora