extra| drew

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"Andrew Victor Dunst, you better be here before I count three or you're going to be sleeping in a dog kennel for the rest of your life!" Screeched Gabrielle, a pretty red head with a temper to match her flaming red hair.

Walking into the Dunst household at that moment would be a comical sight, Andrew, more lovingly known as Drew was on the run from his wife who looked ready to kill someone, and blue.

Yes, you read it correctly. Her once clear skin was a very alien-invasion colour of blue, or to describe her better, she looked like Jennifer Lawrence from X-men.

"But look! I told you that you would make the perfect Mystique!" His voice resounded from somewhere in the house.

"And I told you that you would make a wonderful wall hanging." She rolled her eyes, taking in a deep breath to figure out in which room her mate was crouching. Her wolf was in a playful mood, but she was not and if Drew knew what was good for him, he should have been begging for forgiveness in front of her hours ago.

She took slow steps up the stairs and smirked when he heard a soft shuffle and a loud bang from the attic, Drew winced at the sound and scrambled quickly out of the window. He landed hard on the group and looked up, glancing at the spot where Jesse was sure to appear in no time.

And he was right, barely a second later she poked her head through the window and looked straight at him, her brown eyes were glaring daggers and he quickly shifted into wolf form and bounded into the forest in full throttle.

Drew smiled as his mate neared him and he gave his ass a playful shake towards the wolf who was trying to catch up with him, all this time Gabby kept sending him threats through the mindlink, each more creative than the last one.

'Catch me if you can mate.' Drew teased her and she pushed her legs faster. Drew was so busy in challenging her that he didn't realise when he was close to a big oak tree, causing him to smash into it head first.

Laughs echoed through his mind and Gabby made sure to project it loud and clear. This story was going to reach Luna Rosie soon enough seeing that the two girls were very close and after that forgetting this small incident would be impossible.

'I don't know if I'm yet supposed to catch you if I can mate, cause it will be an unfair advantage to me.' Gabby gave a wolfy grin.

She stretched her two paws in front and making sure that the ground was safe and clean she lowered herself onto the forest floor, bushy tail swinging from side to side.

'Stop staring at me like that, it's scary and creepy, send me lustful glances if you want to stare.' Drew whined. Gabby stood up from her spot and crouched, pouncing on Drew who prepared himself for the weight of another wolf. She landed right next to him and gave him a small lick on his nose.

'I'll look at you how I want to, but you Mister better find somewhere else to sleep till this colour fades always from me. Like blue! What the hell were you thinking!' She exclaimed.

'Blame X-Men if you want to, that's where I got thinking.'

'I never knew you had the capability to think Drew! I'm shocked.' She gave another cheeky grin that exposed her canines.

'I'm offended.' He swiped his paw on her back lightly and she rolled onto her back, digging her muzzle under his body.

Drew suddenly stood up and shifted into his human form, placing his hand slowly on her nose to check if she was going to attack. She rolled her eyes and pushed her head under his coarse palms. He grinned and started to pet her gently, she opened her haw and clasped his hand tightly with her wet mouth.

"Gabrielle!" He wiped his hand on his naked body.

'Put some clothes on you idiot.' Gabby ordered him.

"You are such a mean mate, why don't you bake choco-chip cookies for me like Tia does for her mate."

"Why don't you find another mate? Or let me burn our house down, your wish." She huffed, dropping his hand and strutting away.

Drew took up a little speed in his human form to catch up with her and threw on a pair of shorts he found tied to a nearby tree.

"Gabby, baby, I'm sorry!" She was yet too far away, in the few seconds that he took to put on some clothes she gained a significant lead.

"I hate you." He heard her say.

"I'm sorry!" He ran, he didn't want to shift back into his wolf, so he followed her on foot. Gabrielle's anger had started to dim by the time they reached into the heart of their territory where majority of the families resided. A little girl of barely three or four years ran towards Gabby's wolf.

"Wolfie!" She giggled, her mother ran behind her, ready to pull her daughter away if the wolf wasn't in a friendly mood.

Gabrielle licked the little girl which made her laugh, and she nudged the mother as if to tell her that it's okay.

"Mommy, is this Aunt Gabby?" The little girl asked, and her mother nodded, the wary expression exchanged with relaxation.

Drew walked up and threw an arm around Gabrielle's huge wolf head, whispering 'sorry' again and again.

"You are an arse." She told him and he agreed.

"I am."

"And I am not letting you off the hook so soon."

"I know." Drew said, crossing his fingers behind his back.

"I'm also making you my personal slave for a month." She informed him. He sighed but accepted that condition, knowing that his mate was one tough cookie to crack, and his wisest decision would be to listen to her quietly.

She gave a wolfish smirk, which actually would have looked quite creepy to a person seeing it for the first time, but Drew didn't bat an eyelid.

She was going to make the next month worth it, and she was definitely going to make sure that Drew was taken care of properly.

'Feather's coating his skin will be a nice, fresh look for him.' She thought smiling, plans forming in her head.


Here's another extra which was long overdue.


This chapter takes place way before the Epilogue, it was before they had their child though :)

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