Never Leave

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"He can't prove that we're responsible," Ethan said, after I told him about my encounter with that cunt.

"But they're going to investigate, aren't they?" I mumbled upset, wiping a hand over my face, before crossing my arms, leaning onto the desk.

Ethan's glances shifted around, as he was deep in thoughts. "We need to get rid of the evidence."

"What evidence?"

"I er, happen to still have some of the life-serum," he whispered.

Many curses rang through my mind, before an idea hit me, "We could pin it on him!"

"It's too risky," Ethan answered, making a wincing expression. "We need to... make him forget somehow."

"Yeah," I said, liking the sound of that idea. "I could slam dunk his head onto a wall."

Ethan gave me a look.

"Let me see what I can do," he told me.

I nodded, "But we're going to need to hurry."

"I created a fucking life-serum," my best friend reminded me cockily. "I think I'll manage."

We heard the bathroom door open and Ruth stepped out. "I believe I'm the actual evidence you need to cast aside," Ruth mumbled gloomily. "I have caused enough trouble for you guys, and I am deeply sorry for that. I am leaving tonight."

I wouldn't have let that happen in a million years. And seeing her so sad tugged at my heart - it bothered me to no end.

"What are you talking about? We're to blame for all of this," I told Ruth softly. I remembered that the walls had ears. "You're not going anywhere. You don't even have an ID on you, let alone money or a place to stay."

"Yeah, he's right," Ethan agreed, then he looked at me. "Didn't you say that Lillith knows about all of this too?"

"She won't tell anyone."

"How would you know?" Ethan exclaimed.

"I just do, okay?" I told him, getting louder as well. I sighed, pushing myself off the desk. Ruth watched all of it with a sad expression on her face.

"Ugh!" I slammed the lamp off the desk. Ethan stepped quickly aside. "Are you out of your damn mind, dude? It's gonna be fine."

I exhaled, letting off steam.

"It was my favorite lamp!" he then whined, his voice cracking.

"Sorry, man..."

"It's okay, just... calm down. I'm gonna pull several all-nighters if I have to," Ethan told me.

"Dakota and I will help you," I smiled halfheartedly.

Ruth, who was now sitting on my bed, staring at her feet, said, "Please let me help you guys too."

"Thanks," he said. "But I'm afraid none of you less talented people will be able to help me," he smirked.

I chuckled, grabbing him by the shoulder, before patting it roughly.

At night, I felt something move on my arm. I am a light sleeper. But I didn't pay it any mind at first, because I thought that Ruth was moving around in her sleep, like always. But then I heard the mattress squeak, as it sank a little bit.

I opened my eyes and saw Ruth's figure standing at the door in the dark. I straightened up, narrowing my eyes, before rubbing them. She was putting on some shoes.

"Ruth?" I whispered, trying not to wake up my snoring friend on the other bed.

Her shoulders fell and she turned around and walked up to my bed. I made some room for her to sit.

"I'm sorry, Cory. I must go," she whispered.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I will miss you. All of you. But especially you, Cory Parks."

I shook my head in disagreement and confusion, "You were about to leave us without saying anything? Ruth, you must be insane, if you think that I will let you go. Where would you go? It's not safe."

But what upset me the most is that she would be gone, if I wasn't such a light sleeper.

"But I must," she insisted. "I'm causing you harm."

She wouldn't look at me.

I touched her cheek and made her. Her black eyes seemed to be in pain.

My face inched closer to her. I stopped for a few seconds and looked back into her eyes, before our lips touched.

It was my way of saying, don't ever leave me, okay?

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