8: I'm Cold, Red...

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Hey everyone! So here is another chapter for you all! Sadly, I will not be able to give you another chapter before this week is over. Also, a reminder that no new chapters from: SAT 22nd October - SAT 29th October. Sorry! I will try and upload three chapters following the 29th. Just to make up for no new chapters next week.

I know that you all are going to love this chapter. This chapter is going to be pretty cute so yeah, I hope you all enjoy.

"I hate being in bed all day" Harley pouted before sneezing. Ivy sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Sorry Harl, but you have to stay here. You can come into the living as that's a nice warm place so if you're cold, you can go into the living room" Ivy told her. Harley just stared down at the tissue she was holding.

Ivy stared at Harley. She knew Harley was unhappy. Ivy wish she could take away all the pain. If she could, Ivy would make Harley happy forever without ever getting hurt. She hated seeing Harley ill, upset or unhappy.

"Hey" Ivy said softly, moving a strand of hair from Harley's face. Harley looked up at Ivy who had a warm smile plastered on her face. "I'm going to take good care of you, okay?" Ivy told her. Harley smiled slightly. "Thanks red, your da best" Harley said. Ivy smiled. "No problem Harl" Ivy replied. She then leaned over and gave Harley a quick hug. Ivy pulled away and smiled at Harley. "Uhm, red?" Harley began. "Yes?" Ivy replied. "Can I sit in the living room?" Harley asked. "Of course. I'll wrap you up in a few blankets, put the fire on and we'll watch some films. What do you say to that?" Ivy answered. Harley smiled and nodded eagerly.

Ivy stood up and walked to the wardrobe. She pulled out some blankets. She then walked back over to the bed. "Red... Thank you for looking after me, you're amazing" Harley said softly. "It's okay, I like to look after my girl" Ivy replied. Harley smiled at Ivy and Ivy returned a smile.

Harley sat down on the sofa and wrapped the blankets tightly round her. "Would you like some soup?" Ivy asked. "Yes please" Harley replied. Ivy then went into the kitchen to prepare Harley's soup.

"I hope the next time I'm ill, you look after me" Ivy joked from the kitchen. "Course red, I'll look after ya" Harley replied. Ivy smiled to herself. She then walked back into the living room. "Honest bay-be, I'll take real good care of ya" Harley promised. Ivy smiled. "I know you will" Ivy said and went back into the kitchen.

A little while later, Harley finished her soup. "Thanks red, that was delicious" Harley said. Ivy smiled and placed the bowl and tray on the coffee table. Harley wrapped herself up. Ivy stood up, closed the curtains, and grabbed a big blanket. She sat down and shared the big blanket with Harley before starting the film. Ivy sat back and Harley snuggled up to Ivy, trying to get as close and as warm as possible. For the next few hours, the pair watched films and cuddled.

A few hours went by. Ivy noticed that Harley had fallen asleep on her shoulder. Ivy turned the TV off. She then slowly and carefully moved from the sofa. Ivy stood up and carefully picked up Harley. She moaned in her sleep. Ivy softly shushed Harley before carrying her out of the living room.

Ivy entered the bedroom. She walked over to the bed and carefully laid her down. Ivy pulled up the covers to cover Harley and then knelt down so she was close to Harley's face. She smiled at the beautiful woman in front of her, fast asleep.

Ivy could not help but smile at Harley. With the back of her finger, she gently stroked her cheek a few times. Ivy leaned in and softly kisses her forehead. Ivy then stared at the girl. "No one will ever hurt you. I will always protect you. You will see the sunniest of days and the blackest of nights. You will laugh, you will cry; but never alone. I will always be there for you, because I love you. I'll kiss you bruises, I'll make you laugh. I'll do whatever I can to make you happy. And when you ask me, you will know that I did it because I care about you so much... And I did it out of love" Ivy half whispered, staring at Harley the whole time.

Ivy smiled and kissed Harley softly on her forehead before standing up and leaving the bedroom...
And that's it for this week. This chapter was slightly shorter again than usual but I'm sure you will be happy with what I've produced. Besides, it's all about the quality and not the quantity.

Just to get you excited, next chapter will have a bit of a shock cliff-hanger. THAT'S ALL I'M SAYING haha. Don't like to reveal spoilers.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in two weeks.

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