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It was coming close to christmas now and Harry,Hermione,Dani and Ron were in hogsmeade.

"Anyone fancy a butterbeer?" Asked Harry as they saw professor Slughorn enter the three broomsticks.

They sat down at a table, Harry and Hermione next to eachother, Dani and Ron sat next to eachother.

"I'd like to leave." Decleared Ron suddenly.

"Oh ron there only holding hands." Said Hermione catching Ron's gaze, which was Ginny and Dean.

"And snogging." Said Dani awkwardly.

"Hello that happens to be my sister." Said Ron.

The waitress walked over to the table to take the orders.

"Four butterbeers please, oh and put a bit of ginger in mine." Replied Hermione.

Dani looked around and caught sight of a certain someone walking over into the bathrooms, but her vision was blocked.

"Can I sit with you?" Asked Tom.

"Yes sure why?" Replied Dani.

"No reason." Said Tom slightly unhappy.

Tom grabbed an extra chair and sat on the end of the table, stairing at the glasses, placing his own butterbeer on the table.

Draco had disapperd, however slughorn was talking to Harry.

"You, miss Granger, miss Riddle and Master Riddle have been invited to my dinner session next week." Said Slughorn.

"What about me?" Asked Ron.

"Better luck next time wigby." Said Slughorn and he walked away.

They finished there butterbeers and left the pub. Hermione acting like she was drunk.
Tom had his hands in his pocket and was kicking the snow. Then they heard a scream.

"I WARNED HER. I WARNED HER NOT TO TOUCH IT!" Yelled a girl in Dani's year.

Katie bell was flung into the air. Tom grabbed dani by the arm and looked into her coat. They ran forward to examine the thing on the ground and katie fell on the floor with a loud thud.

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