Cpt. 13 Regret

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Jordan's POV

I couldn't do anything. How would I do something? I just sat there, unmoving, confused, as my brain fought with its decisions. When Tom had rushed out of the room, everyone was in a panic. Me, I sort of just stared. Their ideas on his location were drowned out for me. How were they so concerned? Did they just somehow forget what had happened with the same person they were really worried about.

I left inbetween everyone's conversation, and went to the bathroom to recollect myself. As soon as I entered and turned towards the mirror right in front the door, I was shocked. I looked worst that I had thought or even felt. I had a few claw marks near my right eye above my eyebrow. Blueish bruises were spread across my neck. I saddened a little then raised my shirt not ready for what I was about to see. Dark bruises covered most of my chest as well as my stomach, and where wasn't was red from scratches. It was slightly comfortable to breathe, so my chest rose and fell sharply.

My eyes travelled to my wrists, looking down at them they weren't all that bad. As I looked closer the scratches didn't seem to be particularly random. Twisting and turning my wrist trying to look at them at different angles, it made something. For some reason I decided to look at it throw the mirror. For some reason, it looked like I could make out a word or two.

"Nytt liv", it wasn't english for sure, but some other launguage. It had been backwards, hard to make out without proper investigation. Something else surrounded it, some symbol. It looked much like an E but with the stem line extended downwards. I winced, remembering that all of this was caused by Tom. I couldn't help my mind question his actions. Was this just the nightmares, or could some part of these things actually be him.

I shook my head as I let my palms slam onto the counter. I dropped my head down, feeling useless. I was squeezing my eyes so hard I started to see stars as I held my breathe. Was I continuously going to get hurt or was he doing this on purpose? How far will he go before he's realised it's too far and eithet of us are gone? I was almost positive I heard sounds, like a tyre screech. I shook my head again, I'm losing my sanity. Then another sound followed, one of a muffled bang, someone getting hit. Commotion was going on inside the house, I could hear them all rushing out to see what the sound was about. I didn't move a muscle. I wasn't ready to let go of my sanity just yet. That is, until I heard Sonja's scream faintly, saying Tom's name.

My body moved so fast, almost flinging myself out the door, I forgot about the pain I was feeling. I forgot about everything. Something else was acting for me and it wasn't my brain. I rushed down the stairs my heart beating harder with every step of my fast pace. I burst through the door and ran down the hill to where I thought I heard the faint scream come from. Everything burning, the pain engulfing me, but I kept pushing through, determined to reach there. I stopped and the top of the incline and my heart was now in my stomach. Everything seemed like a movie, it all slowed down, causing me to take in every moment. What I saw hit me hard.

Everyone gathered around a on the floor, silent. Just whimpers and red faces. I was confused, that is, until I eyed what they had been surrounding. Tom was on the floor, alot of blood on and around him. His eyes, they weren't the elated chocolates I knew. They were now blank staring right at me through the crowd of tears. Looking as if he'd been staring at this incline waiting for someone. Waiting for me. I didn't cry, I didn't say anything, expect not believe. Everything I said before. All the hate. All the doubts. All the worries. This happens, and I wasn't there to help prevent it. I wasn't there to comfort him. I was too busy thinking about myself and what was happening to me when I knew damn well that Tom was experiencing much worst.

My lips quivered and my eyes filled with tears of regret as I slowly sunk to the ground. "Jordan?" I heard a voice, which I was pretty sure was Tucker. He and Sonja had made their way over here after I called them, from last night when the nightmare was happening to Tom. Luckily they'd been in L.A. at the time to visit some of Tucker's family.

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