»16. Clouds«

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Silvia's P.O.V.

I had stayed in this house for a substantially long time, yet today was marked as the day I finally decided to challenge the stove with my mediocre cooking abilities.

By eighteen, I had only taught myself to not burn the house down while making breakfast.When it comes to cooking, I have limited skills. I'd mastered making not-so-great eggs and over-toasted bread with a cup of dissatisfaction in the form of coffee. That was hailed as a huge deal to my brother - who was no better than me when it came to the iron spatula.

I was, shockingly, enthusiastic to try something new this morning. I woke up and got the idea to make Dakota a thank you breakfast for visiting me so late at night without a moment's notice. That was what Girlfriends did.... I suppose.

I was hopeless at this and I was sure Dakota would see that in a split second.

With our conversation last night, I wanted to take a step in the right direction for our second go around at dating. I hardly cooked for myself, yet I felt compelled to for Dakota. I hated that I couldn't shut off the idea once it first blossomed into my thoughts.

I peered down at my phone for the recipe I had searched up. Evelyn had cook books somewhere in the house, but I couldn't remember where she shelved them. I settled with a dish I found online during my random decision to play the doting girlfriend.

A sharp scent peppered my nose, causing me to lift my head at the pot of cream I had on the stove. Smoke seeped off, trailing up to the ceiling. The cream had spilled from the sides, blackened from the flames and creating a pungent aroma that coated the back of my throat.

"No, no, no." I cried out, removing the pot from the stove and faning it with my hand. "Why? Why-" I was too late. Suddenly, the smoke detectors began wailing all through the house.

Heavy footsteps rushed down the stairs just as I had gotten the alarm to stop. Every hope I had to keep this a secret vanished when Dakota appeared at the opening of the kitchen. "Silvia?"

"Don't step any closer," I ordered, walking in front of the island to block my disaster. "It was a false alarm."

"False alarm?" he repeated my words in his groggy morning voice, laced with sleep. I bit down my lip from smiling. I liked his morning voice. It was soothing, in an odd rugged way. "What were you trying to make exactly?"

Dakota went against my demand and made his way to where I was standing. He sidestepped and observed the mess I had created in the matter of forty minutes. There were towers of dishes, along with specks and spots over the marbled countertops. The only thing that wasn't a complete mess were the two plates of scrambled eggs and toast I made in the beginning.

A Silvia with more hope in her heart made those scrambled eggs. One that was more level headed and knew what she was capable of.

Dakota walked to the plate. "Is that for me?"

"Maybe," I whispered and felt myself panic at the thought of his reaction.

Dakota dropped his hand to my hip and pulled me into a side embrace. "I don't think I've ever pictured you making anything for me." He picked up one of the dishes and got himself a fork. "Thank y-"

"Wait." Placing a hand on his chest, I got in his way to the dining room. "Before you thank me, can I ask you for one thing? If you hate it, tell me and don't lie."

"It's eggs, what could you do wrong?"

"Everything," I grunted. "I always mess up stuff. Do you not know me, Dakota?"

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