Chapter 8: New Panem

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Luke led me through District 13, weaving through people and buildings. As we walked by, people smiled and waved to Luke. It made my stomach turn. All Luke had to do was intercept some help from the Capitol regarding the illnesses in District 11 and suddenly he's a man of power. All loyalties to Katniss have seemingly fell away. 

"What do you think of New Panem?" Luke asked. 

"I think that you've brainwashed everyone here into believing that Katniss is an awful ruler and that when they found out the truth about you, you're going to lose everything," I replied.

Luke smiled at me, but the mood behind the smile was cold. "Watch yourself, Crystal. You forget what I'm capable of." 

"You won't hurt me severely." 

"It's not your own health you should be concerned about." 

A shiver ran down my spine. Drea, Cane, Gale, Peeta, Rayne, Dad... He has all of them. If I step too far out of line, then they get hurt. Killed, maybe. I have to listen to Luke, for their sake. 

"Here's my home," Luke said as we approached a large fence. Two District 11 Peacekeepers stood at the gate, holding guns in their hands. When Luke approached, they opened the gate and allowed us to pass. Once we were through the gate, it closed with a large thud. 

The place is a total mansion. We're walking on a pathway, surrounded by gardens and fountains. There's District 11 Peacekeepers everywhere. Luke opened the door for me once we reached it. 

Inside, things were just as extravagant. It resembles my old home in the Victor's Village, except even fancier. My home used to be humble. This place is just ridiculous. 

Luke grabbed my wrist lightly and started to lead me through his home. We got through his living room to a set of stairs that go downwards. He stepped aside to let me go first. I didn't move.

"Come on, Crystal," Luke said. "Let's go." 

"What's at the bottom of the stairs?" I asked. 

"Another set of stairs," Luke replied. 

"And after that set?" 

"Your family and friends." 

The words set me off. I started running down the stairs. Luke didn't try to stop me. I reached the bottom of the first set. The second set of stairs were much longer, and the surroundings changed. Instead of carpeted stairs and painted walls, everything was cement. I took a deep breath and continued down the stairs. For a moment, I was surrounded by complete darkness, until I reached another point of light. Then I reached the bottom of the stairs. 

I've never been so horrified in my life. 

They were all there, chained and gagged. Drea was passed out. Cane was sitting in an awkward position to allow his chin to rest on Drea's shoulder. A tear rested on his cheek. Dad was passed out, too, with a cut running down his forehead. The rest of them were awake and seemingly okay.

Rayne was the first to notice me. "Crystal?" 

Cane instantly sat up and looked in my direction. Peeta and Gale reacted similarly. 

I would've launched toward them, if it weren't for the huge District 11 Peacekeeper. He had one arm up, blocking me from running in. I decided it would be better to not provoke him. 

Luke stepped beside me. "Feeling motivated for that speech I need you to give?" 

At this point, I started to cry. Tears ran down my cheeks. I made eye contact with Peeta. How would he feel if Katniss gets killed, over a lie that I told?

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