Chapter 34

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A/N: So, Finally back to having a computer, and here is the update. I am sorry its been so bloody long, but if I had magic powers I would of healed my computer. Anywho, here it is.

Chapter 34


"Well he seems to be responding more with both of you here." Doc said when he came in to check Levi's stats.

"And I hope you will forgive me for saying this, but Leo, I have been extremely disappointed in you this last week." Leo's eyes narrowed at him and I felt my chest clench.

"You can be angry, but I brought you into this world, I never though you would be so close to pushing your own mate out of it." I looked away, I had never told Leo about the doctors warnings.

"I didn't tell him." I blurted, the doctor looked at me with shock and disappointment.

"Then I am annoyed with both of you."

"What didn't you tell me?" Leo's blue eyes looked on the verge of anger.

"That she was dying. Slowly but surely. Her wolf hadn't spoken, not came out, and she couldn't eat properly. To be honest, she shouldn't of had to tell you. She spent a few days hooked to an IV in here, just to keep her going." Leo glared at me.


"I wasn't sure you'd care." My voice was small, but it was the truth, after everything, I truly couldn't believe he wanted me. Sure I tried to convince myself, and Ivory, but she didn't believe it either. The isolation has been to much. He flinched.

"Care? It would of killed me, and Levi."

"Its passed now, she already looks better. But I assume from the mark on your neck, you have a great deal to do with it." He turned to me. "How is Ivory doing?"

"Sad, really sad, and happy. To be honest I am having a hard time stopping her from marking Levi." And it was true, the second I walked into the room she had tried to push through and mark him. At the mention of marking I felt Ivory fight against the block I put up.

"Have you considered what I said? With Levi, Aria and your grandmother.... it may help."

"No, I don't need a pill to make me happy. I lost people, I'm not sad for no reason, I just have to mourn." Though I had to admit to myself, the gloom that settled over the pack had made mourning almost impossible. All the bodies were being preserved for as long as they could, in hopes Levi would come back in time. He didn't even know about Aria... even if in this state he could hear us, we kept the death part of it out of the conversation every time we spoke of her. Doc was right in the idea that it wouldn't be good if he found out before his body healed.

"Okay Sweetie, I will let you two visit." He started to walk to the door before he stopped. "And Ivory, don't try anymore, your weakening yourself, and it has no improvement on his condition." I nodded as he left.

I pulled Levi's hand up to my face and felt his warmth. With the infection gone and him no longer on the verge of death, his heat and color began to return, so did his scent. But unfortunately, there was nothing for the doctors to fix anymore, the battle of coming out of the state he is in, was in his hands and the Goddess's.

"Dying?" I jumped at the sound of Leo's voice. I looked up to him, but his face gave no hint of what was making him sound so odd.

"I tried to bring her back, but Ivy wouldn't even respond. I couldn't even push her out into physical form. After the first two days I just stopped hearing her whimper." His shoulders flexed.

"Were you here alone?" Once again his voice had a hint of something I couldn't recognize.

"No, the doctor stayed with me, and Levi was here. Aside from that, everyone has been in their houses , being there for each other. Well aside from the patrols you were running."

"I should of been here!" His growl shook the room and I huffed.

"I won't argue with that, if you blamed me, I could of excepted it. Leaving me alone because of Levi, was selfish. Your not the only one bound to his soul." I sighed trying to calm the anger raging inside me. When I thought he hated me, it made sense not to want to be around me. But because of Levi not being able to touch me? It made no sense, he was taught about mates. He had to have known what would happen to me.

"Your right."

"I love when you say that." I teased, he flashed me an uneasy smile and picked me up just to sit in my place with me on his lap.

"Its still so hard to understand. Them being gone. We lost so many people." I kissed his neck.

"I know, Leo. But they are all with the Goddess now. She will take care of them. So will the Spirits." I tucked my head under his chin.

"How bad is the urge?" He asked, I knew what he was talking about.

"Bad." I looked at Levi's unmarked neck. "Really, bad."

- - - - - - - -

Where am I? I looked around the emptiness, its as boring as Logan's room was when we first met. I sighed and sat down, feeling bored.


"Spirits?" I asked, recognizing the echo of their voices. "Where am I?"

"Home Child." A flash of light blinded the empty area and I knew the woman in front of me.

"Goddess?" I'd seen her before but this was... the scene after battle filed my senses. "I'm dead aren't I?" I asked looking around.

"Yes Child."

"And my children?" Fear wrapped around my throat.

"Leo is well, and is finally comforting my most troubled child."


"Yes, When her wolf began pacing in my fields, I realized she was to cut off. I may have pushed them together a little." Her smile was one I saw frequently, in the mirror. A smile of mischief that couldn't be helped. Her hair was luminescent, much like the moon, to match her eyes.

I paused. "And Levi?" The goddess had pain flash on her face.

"Levi is caught between the realms, neither dead, but neither living."

"He gets that from his Mom... How many times had I fell in that same spot?"

"He was poisoned with silver my child." I felt the blood drain from my face.

"But he will get better right? He'll go back?"

"Only time may tell." I nodded as her arms came around me. And as the one time before, I felt the peace she offered.

"But I have brought you here, before my meadows, to make an offer."


"Mates are not finding each other as well as they once had. I have several other lost souls, I have made this offer to. The offer is to become a Seeker. You will seek out peoples mates, and try to draw them to each other, never to take their free will, but to whisper in their ears. Or you may enter into my meadows, and await your family." I stared at the Goddess, for all the blessings she had given me, I couldn't turn down her request. But I thought of my dear, dear Logan.

"I will accept your offer, but I have a request to make." Her smile shined brightly at me.

"I assumed you might."

"Before I start this journey for you, I would like to..."


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