Old habits (Shizuo love story)

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Tokyo, not even close. Ikebukuro, that was my home, the citizens fear was my fault. It was never easy being one of the strongest beings there, even if something went wrong I was to blame, even if I were five miles away. It all started with a 'small' fight with my enemy, Rylie. At the time, we were still in highschool but that doesn't matter. "You idiot," she scowled, "it's not my fault you're a fucking brute!"

"Not my fault you're a compleate asshole all the damn time!" My reply was sharp and laced in hatred, not really different from any other day too be honest, but still laced with hate. I mean, she brought a knife to school, like every other damn day, and started to threaten kids when they came near her. Hey, at least I don't do that with my strength. Sitting silently for a few moments we heard another string of loud curses from down the hall, "Izayaaaa!" The voice sounded familier but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. "Aw come on Shizu-Chan~ it's not like we can fight here right?~" the second voice I knew all to well, Izaya Orihara, another kid who always brought a weapon to school for 'protection'.

A loud yell of anger rang through the entire school as if it were the schools bell. Rylie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, "flat chest, do you know those guys?"

"I'm not sure I do, Double D."

"Why you little bitch!" she tackled me to the ground with a thud, my head had hit the ground and my forehead began to bleed. "Guess you're not so tough huh, half pint!" This caused me to snap, I may have been short but I wasn't that short. "Alright asshole, you want to see strength!?" I threw her off of me with ease and climbed to my feet again. Out of compleate anger and hatred, I had ripped a pole from the side of the school building and slammed her into the wall with it. "So, where's your knive no- fuck!" She had pulled out her switch blade and slammed it right into my shoulder causing me to drop her and the pole to the ground beside me. After that little fight, we were expelled from that school and never saw each other for a while. That's where we are now, twenty-one years old and I live alone with my black cat, Storm. Occasionally I would get a few visitors, mostly asking for a body guard, but I always refused.

Once, this I will never forget, I had shown off my strength accidently. It was the day that a man named Tom and a larger blonde male had arrived at my door. "Sierra," Tom sighed, "I'm here to collect the money."

"I only get a limited amount a week jackass, I'll have it next week." I began to close the door as his foot stopped it, "will we need force to get this done?"

"Move your foot. Now." My voice was stern and filled with annoyance, it was always something to do with guys that pissed me off. "The mo-" that was enough, I flicked him in the middle of his forehead causing him to fly back, "not until next week asshat." I turned to the blonde male and sighed, "sorry about that...." I closed the door and blushed, the blonde was pretty cute... And I had shown my monstrous side right in front of him. Dammit.

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