Chapter 20

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Soldier 259

   I spot a Soldier walk back and forth, scoping out the area from the roof, and take a couple steps back from the treebranch that I'm on. I take a deep breaeth and leap forward and land silently on the roff top. I hide behind one of the vents and listen to the Soldier's foorsteps. When they get closer I leap from behind the vent and shoot him with my pistol, silent on.

    The man falls with a groan escaping his lips and lands on the ground. I look over the edge of the buildng and do the hand motions for 60 and the others to enter. I walk back over to the dead Soldeir and move his body behind the vent. I hear gunfire and screams. Uh oh. That can't be good.

   I pear over the edge of the building and see 117 pinned to the ground by a Soldier and 60 trying to get to her but can't becuase four Soldiers are blocking his way. Jezz! How many of them are there? 284's been shot in the leg and arm is swipping at anyone who gets close to him with a knife as he's being backed up into a corner by two Soldiers. Whatever medication T'Challa gave us, it's sure as heck slowing us down.

   Sylvia appears to be holding her own with the help of Night and Duke, but her old hands shake as she fires bullet after bullet at the Soldiers and her aim wavers. Soon they are upon her and she is beaten to the ground. Anger bubbles up within me and demands that I make them pay, but I can't. Soldier 259 would use this to her advantage to find out where they are holding the hostages. I bite my lip and watch as my crew and sister get dragged across the ground and into the building.

   I spot a window below me and swing my legs over the roof and slide through the window. The air inside is stuffy and I can barely make out a door. I walk to it and hear voices, sad and angery voices. I procede with caution.

"Where is she?" someone yells, a male from the sound of it.

   I enter a room with a railing at the side and creep towards it, careful to stay in the shadows. I pear through the bars of the railing and my breah catches. My family, they are beaten and bruised, a fight just barely in their eyes. Surrounding them is twenty Soldiers, all armed and ready to kill. Night and Duke are chained to the wall, muzzles on their snouts as they bite and snarl at the Soldiers.

   My eyes fall upon Sylvia, her grey hair now stained with blood. She has several bruises on her and she's bleeding in several places on her body. She stares at her son, 214, like a proud woman who is not afraid of death.

   60, 284, and 117 are huddled together with chains bound to their wrist and feet, bounding them together. Steve has blood runing from his mouth. I don't even know if T'Challa is alive since he's just lying on the ground and not moving. Sam is laying on the ground with his hands bound together by a piece of rope on his back and is silently moaning. I search the room for Bucky but I can't find him, making me even more nervous and edgy.

    214 walks towards 60, "Where, is 259? You had better answer me or I will do the same to you as I do the Winter Soldier."

  60 looks up at him and spits on his shoe. 214 scowls and wrinkles his nose. A soldier hands him a pistol and he takes it, pointing it at 60's head. 117 whimpers while 60 grabs her hand and closes his eye mummuring, "Forgive me, sister."

"Peter!" Sylvia yells, causing 214 to tense and look at her.

   Sylvia stares at him with anger in her eyes, "Leave them alone," she says sternly. "You can turn away from this, away from Hydra. Your Aunt is doing it, so can you."

   214's eyes move around the room as if seeing something that only he can see. I hear a moan and look in the corner in the darkness and see a figure bent over cradeling his left side as two Soldiers stand beside him. He looks up and spots me, he freezes. He whipsers something, something that alerts the two Soldiers. "Sir, she's here."

Soldier 259Where stories live. Discover now