Chapter 12: A dance, a smile and the king.

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Chapter 12//

Jizane's pov.
I sighed as the seconds on the clock tick by but suddenly a warm feeling can be felt on the middle of my chest. Looking down I gasped. My necklace is glowing red. What does this mean?

       Salem. He might know the answer. I tried to keep my necklace hidden from the people on the table but they too busy talking to turn their attention to me. The glow stopped. Which made me wondered more.

        I excused myself from the table saying I will be going to the powder room but the truth is that I am looking for that dreadful companion of mine.

        Then a loud blast sounded through the air. The trumpets blared as a man with a crown on his head came in. He had the same feature as Kayla and speaking of kayla, In the man's arm is her.

        My hand turned into a ball of fist as my vision turned red. Before I could take a step towards the man who calls himself a king and bash him on the face, I felt a hand pulled me back.

          "Not so fast Jizane, don't be too reckless. You might get killed for all we know," Turning around I see Salem holding a bottle of blue liquid or was it purple? It just seems to change.

           "Salem! Where have you been? I was worried for you?" I frowned and cross my arm. "Well, remember our plan in the clinic?  I did just that. I used the ball as a distraction so I can enter the legendary forest unseen to get the essence of the vermudo hallucio plant. The essence I took is too little but this will do for now when all of you have to burst your flames towards the sky. It's what this academy do every year as tradition but I'll mix a bit of my essence just in case," He frowned as he tried to open the lid.

"I understand about the essence of the plant but why yours too?" I raise an eyebrow up and shot him questioning look.

"So that if anyone saw your blue flame just go through a crowd and morph into somebody else so you would actually have time to escape," He said in an irritated tone as if i wasn't using my head. I rolled my eyes.

" Alright. Jio luc zan eins trien piose laneay foy de lal bien!"  Salem said in a loud whisper as the essence of purple and blue seeped out of the bottle and mixed with another essence of lush green that is nearly not visible to the eye. When done mixing it pierced though the air and disappeared as it touch my necklace. My necklace then glowed a bright pink.

"Don't worry. It'll wear off. The glowing, I mean." He smiled and held out his arm for me to take. I frowned but took it never less. Many questions were going through my mind but I don't think salem would appreciate me asking too much or pry too much from him.

Everyone gathered round the podium where the king and kayla is situated. Since we were situated near to the podium than the rest of the people . We could see the king's face clearly. He was handsome, that I have to admit, if he were in his younger days. The females would be swooning all over just for him. He has piercing grey eyes though, which seems to be scanning the room for someone.

His eyes landed on me, he gave an devilish grin. As if knocked out by a wave of invisible force, I wheezed for air. Does he know about the plan? As if on cue, Salem held my hand and whispered in my ear, " No, he does not know about the plan and most if all he does not know that your present father is actually the cousin of your real father. It might sound unbelievable but when he gets what he wants he doesn't give any heed to anything else and we could use his aloofness against him. All he knows is that you are the daughter of his rival in the game of swordmanship and since he heard that you have messed with his daughter, he is sending you a wave mail made out of aura essence just so that you get the message not to mess with him," I gasp and tried to breathe in more air. I feel nauseous.

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