Chapter 32

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I don't know how long I sat there crying but Im guessing it was pretty long. Brandon checked on me from time to time.

It's not like Zayn was mines. I can't just sit here and become weak depending on Zayn to make me happy.

I got up wiping my eyes before checking myself in the mirror. My eyes were swollen red. I smiled at myself but it didn't change anything. I grabbed my phone going downstairs. Everyone was watching tv.

Lucy and Zac cuddled up while Beth and Zander. My brother was cuddled up by himself watching tv.

Shane was no where to be seen. I stood in the door way watching them all, they all laughing while watching the madea movie.

I smiled to myself. These are all the people I needed. I need to forget about Shane and Zayn. Boys only reck you but some how I feel as if one would complete me.

I'm going to college next year so I'm going to be far away from all this but I'm gonna miss the whole gang.

I walked in the room taking a seat next to my brother. I threw a smile in his direction and he threw a smile back at me. He sat up pulling me into his side.

I rested my head on his shoulders sighing in relief. My brother was everything to me and I should cherish his presents.

This Christmas was indeed the best I've had in years. I just wish mom was here to complete this perfectness.

It was 10:30 when we all finished watching madea. Lucy jumped up grabbing her phone scrolling down her news feed.

"We should get going." Lucy said to everyone. Everyone nodded. Zac and Zander were fighting over a piece of Christmas cake.

To my surprise they were fighting quietly. I looked at them my face completely rid of emotion. It's like they knew I was staring at them. They both froze turning looking at me.

"Hey." They said in union with a smile on there faces. "You guys are idiots." I smirked. Zac grabbed the Christmas cake running out the house while Zander screamed running after him.

Beth got up off the sheets rolling her eyes. "I seriously hate them." Beth said and Lucy smiled walking out with her. "Hey." Someone said touching my shoulder.

I turned to the side to see my brother. "You okay?" He asked pulling me to his chest. I felt safe once again. I nodded in his chest. "Hey where's Shane?" I asked pulling away.

"He stormed out after u and Zayn were yelling after each other upstairs." He explained.

"What!?" I asked in disbelief. "Hey Kira, I know Shane's your boyfriend but he doesn't seem right for u. Your my baby sister and all, and all I want to do is protect you from boys but at this moment, Zayn and you have something more special even though I've been here like two hours. You guys have this connection." He said staring in my eyes.

Tears were in my eyes at this point. He was right. "Kira, make the right the decision, go after your heart." He said kissing my forehead walking out the house.

My head was swirling with thoughts at that moment. I didn't understand. I wanted to scream at this moment.

I lost them both and I only could go after one. I wanted them both but couldn't have both.

I grabbed my big coat off the rack throwing it on. I pulled a hat over my head walking out the apartment and down the stairs.

I pushed open the door of the building walking out. The cold air hit my face and I noticed it was snowing. Snow fell on my cheeks and I smiled because I suddenly had a plan.

I ran to Lucy's car telling her to go I'll meet her there. My brother and the guys already left so I didn't have to worry.

I ran back upstairs fishing for the keys in my pocket unlocking the door. I ran inside grabbing the keys to my car.

I locked up running back downstairs and to my car. Snow was still falling but not hard. I unlocked my car and drove.

Drove to the place where I'll know he'll be. Drove to the place where I've longed to seen.

I parked my car down the block hopping out. I walked into the building searching but I couldn't find him. Where was he?! I ran to the back room and out the back door of the warehouse.

Snow fell around me and in my hair. I made no move to put my hoodie over my head.

I was out of breath and frustrated that I couldn't find him. I check my phone seeing that it was almost 12. I groaned spinning around in circles and out of the corner of my eyes I saw a figure.

I stopped squinting to see who it was. It was him, I could tell by the back of his head.

"Zayn!" I called. His head whipped around so fast. Tears pooled my eyes cause I really thought I might have lost him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. I ran up to him holding his face between my small hands. "I'm sorry, I can't seem to understand these feelings I have. I like you Zayn, i really like you even more than Shane, I just got so carried away in all his sweetness but I didn't like him as much as I li--." I was cut off by a pair of lips. They were soft and warm and it felt just right. I kissed him back and my hands flew to his hair.

His hand rested on my cheeks holding me closely to him. This kiss was everything right now. Snow fell on us and it was coming down even harder but I didn't care.

I heard fireworks in the distance as we kissed. We kissed just on time and it was even more perfect than I would have thought. He got my midnight kiss and that's all I could ask for.

We pulled away and I rested my forehead against his. We were  breathing hard at this point.

The fireworks still continued and we immediately turn to look at it in the distance. We both watched for a minute before our eyes found each other's eyes once again.

"Kira, I've wanted to ask you this for so long." He said staring into my eyes with his gorgeous brown ones. He was so perfect. With soft brown hair down to cute faces he makes when he's nervous.

I stood in his hold while my breathing slowed. I was ready for this question even though i was scared at the same time.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked his eyes sparkled with a questionable look and his nose wrinkled a cute way. He looked unsure of what he was doing.

"No." I said pulling myself out his hold with a smirk on my face. His face fell. "I mean." I started shrugging.

"You gotta do better than that." I said batting my eye lashes and he smirked before walking closer to me.

"Really?" He smirked. He pulled me close before attaching our lips. Before I knew  it something cold ran down my back and I yelped.

"Zayn!" I called and he laughed. "How about now?" He smiled. "I don't really do this whole romantic thing but how did I do?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

I smirk shaking my head before picking up some snow in my hand forming a ball. "Just perfect." I said before throwing snow at him giggling .

That night I spent my Christmas with Zayn and it was perfect.

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