57 | Echo Cave

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CONSTANT SHOUTS OF FRUSTRATION filled Indiana's ears like a baby screaming in the middle of the night. Regina had spent the past couple of hours attempting to teach Emma how to use basic magic. They continued to yell at each other and call each other ridiculous names while the Charming couple and Indiana awkwardly sat on the sidelines, listening.

Regina suddenly fell silent, smirking faintly. She asked if Emma could smell "that." Emma, clearly irritated, asked what she meant. Proud of her success, Regina pointed at the campfire as smoke filled their nostrils. A small fire had been created out of anger.

Snow White and Prince Charming quietly spoke of how teaching Emma to use magic was a bad idea. They were simply afraid of their daughter going dark instead of light. They had to trust Emma. She had the power surging inside of her, so she should be able to use it.

Killian suddenly went walking out of the woods. He kneeled down by Prince Charming's side, whispering that they needed to talk. Killian stared at him with interest as the trio listened to what the pirate had to say. "Pan paid me a visit," Killian whispered. Indiana's eyeballs nearly popped right out of her head. "He, uh... he told me that Neal is alive, that he's on this very island."

The Princess of Neverland shook her head rapidly, her heart beginning to race anxiously. "Emma saw him, I saw him," Indiana argued quietly. "He was shot. He fell through a portal. No one could survive that."

"Well, he did, and now he's here," Killian responded. "He said he took him from this very camp while we were off in Neal's cave."

"According to Pan, if he's telling the truth," Snow pointed out with her eyebrows furrowed together.

"And, uh, why would he tell you?" Charming whispered in confusion. "It'd make sense if he told Indie, but you? What does he hope to gain?"

Killian shrugged, glancing at each person. "Who knows why he does anything? He has his reasons, but it's a sure bet they're not good ones," the pirate said.

Snow's eyes averted themselves to a snapped branch. "He's not lying," Snow realized. She stood up and paced over to the branch. She looked to the ground. "Tracks... and a scuffle."

"Yes, because things like this just happen to appear when we need them," Indiana doubtfully mumbled.

"Someone was here while we were gone. We have to tell her," Snow continued, ignoring Indiana's words.

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