You Were Always On My Mind - Part Two

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Liesel moved toward the house and up to the porch. She was dismayed  to see the unkempt garden...the grass was long and choppy and the  flowerbeds that she had worked so hard to plant were full of weeds. She  heard music and the organic sound of a saxophone...he was home and the  chances were high that Remus was home too. She breathed in deeply a  raised her hand to knock on the door. Moments later the music stopped  and she knocked again. She could hear movement from behind the door and  finally, the door opened and she looked up into his eyes.

"Hello Sirius." She smiled.

He put his arm across the doorway, effectively blocking her entrance.  "Hi," he replied, trying to hide his surprise. "What brings you here?"

"We were bored. This is Brenda."

"Hi there," she said, practically purring as she watched his eyes look her over quickly. "I've heard loads about you!"

"Hello," he replied. "Well, I hope it wasn't all bad."

She smiled and shook her head. "No," she giggled. "Not at all!"

He turned his attention back to Liesel and saw that she was peering  inside the house. She moved beneath his outstretched arm and walked  inside the house. "Looks like a bomb went off in here, Sirius!"

"Won't you come in," he replied sarcastically as he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply taking in her perfume. He looked at Brenda again and shook his head as  he allowed her access.

"Thank you," she cooed.

"Don't mention it," he sighed.

They found her in the middle of the living room with her hands on her  hips as she turned her head to look in all directions eyeing the  destruction and then finally, her eyes rested upon Remus was sitting in a  plush recliner reading a book and she approached him. He was wearing  headphones on his ears and so engrossed in his book that he wasn't aware than she was there.  Finally she playfully kicked at his foot, startling him. He looked up in  surprise as he removed the headphones and lowered the footrest of the  chair quickly.

"Hey Bobbie!" He stood and placed the headphones and book on the seat  of the chair and moved to embrace her. "What are you doing here!"

"We were bored." She turned and pointed toward her friend as she raised her hand to wave.

"Hi," Brenda said. "I'm Brenda," she said as she approached him and held out her hand.

"Remus," he replied and then looked up into Sirius' eyes to see that they were locked on Liesel and in a matter of a few seconds, witnessed a multitude of emotions on his friend's face.

"Why don't you go cut the grass, Remus? Brenda you go with him and keep him company?"

"But I was reading," he whined.

She cut her eyes and tilted her head as she pursed her lips. "I want to talk to Sirius. Alone." Peripherally, she saw Sirius' eyes widen and his head shake quickly, mouthing the word no.

Remus sighed a grinned as he took Brenda's hand in his. "Come along, this way," he said. He stopped just as they were about to turn the corner and head for the door. "Just like old times," he said.

"Hope not," Sirius muttered under his breath.

She tossed her overnight bag on the recliner, as it was the only horizontal surface that wasn't littered with stuff.

"Wasn't expecting company," he said apologetically.

"Obviously," she said smiling. "Why don't you fetch me a rubbish bag.  I'll get this place cleaned up for you since I'm here. It's the least I  can do since I just showed up."

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