5 | the glitz and glamour

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ASTORIA SLID ON the beautiful dress in her slim body.

Her hair was straight and was not in a ponytail for the first time in a long time and the pink dress flowed to the bottom of her ankles. The dress was so beautiful and matched her light skin that craved sunlight.

Cassandra put her hand on her shoulders and smiled.

"You look beautiful." Cassandra whispered like a proud mother.

Astoria grinned and held Cassandra's hand, excited. "You know, it is weird that you are not afraid of the dance." Cassandra suggested.

Astoria froze. Her best friend was poking a mean bear, a bear this wanted to remain hidden. The last time she danced was with Richard and...


Do not think about him now, tonight you forget.

Instead she cleared her throat and thought about her wording.

"Oh, I have always loved dressing up and quirky dances." She did not lie when she said that. Her best friend shot another award-winning smile at her. Seriously, if there was an award for the best smile, she would have won it fair and square. Maybe she could literally spew golden sun rays out of her.

She was the definition of kindness; Astoria swore if you looked up kindness her picture would be right there.

Cassandra sat down on her bed, her roommates gone out with their dates and Astoria said next to her. The bed was comfy and had yellow and white sheets. Cassandra played with her hair before the two friends began talking.

"Listen, if there is something I need to know, you can tell me."

Astoria furrowed her eyebrows. How could she know about Richard! Had she talked about him? She was careful around the subject. "What do you mean?"

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "I can basically smell it off you like over sprayed Jasmine perfume." She took a deep breath. "Call it my Hufflepuff instinct but when I can tell something is wrong with someone, I know for sure. What's going on?"

Even though she only knew this golden ray of sunshine for two weeks, she never felt more closer then ever with her. She never really had friends besides Richard-

no thinking of him, not tonight.

"Please tell me, A." Her best friend asked.

Astoria sighed. "What I am about to tell you, can never be shared again, alright?" She nodded.

She took a deep breath, not excited for the long story ahead of her to tell Cassandra. "When I was three years old, I moved and I remember living in a luxurious area. My parents were not the best but even though they weren't receiving the next parent of the year award, I still loved them. Also, without them not paying attention to me twenty-four seven, I got to run around without a care.

Unforgettable // draco + astoriaWhere stories live. Discover now