Chapter 46

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Mary's P.O.V

"Well I need you to help me act like I lost my memory ". I said

They both looked at me shocked . They even stared at me with their mouths wide open .

"I can do the memory thing but may I ask why ". Doctor choi said

"Mina was the one who broke into my home and drowned me . I'm sure of it mr your already analyzing the results of hair under my fingers I pulled her hair before I gave up ". I said

"Okay Mary".

The doctor went outside and told them I lost my memory and they can visit me one at a time . Insoo came in first with tears rolling down his eyes .

"Yah .... do you really not remember me ?".

"Listen ... I'm faking it the doctor is helping me and Mina was the one who tried to kill me . So play along got it ?".

He nodded and wiped his tears . His eyes were puffy and I know he was crying all night.

" I'm here quit crying ".

"Fine ".

Everyone came in and JIMIN came in last .

"Jimin ".

"You remember my name ?".

"I remember everything ".

"Why pretend ?".

"Because of Mina she tried to kill me so in a minute or two she'll be arrested and her hair was found under my nails ".

"Ahhh ".

He came closer and I immediately grabbed his hand .

"I'm sorry i misunderstood you but please don't leave you can't leave me ". I cried

"Mary stop we can't be together ".

"Why tell me why". I shouted

"Because I don't love you anymore ".

Those words made me swallow my pride . My heart that was Fragile broke into pieces brutally .

"Get Out".

The 3 weeks after I was released the guys invited me over for dinner picnic at the river near Insoo house . We were eating laughing and having fun except me . Jimin was there .

"Mary are you okay ?". Asked Areum

"Yea ".

I was pretty sick . I didn't eat anything and I felt really dizzy . I got up and everyone was looking at me and the world was spinning .

"Mary!". Yoongi yelled

I fell to the floor . I reached for My ring finger and took out the ring . I threw it while JIMIN was looking .

"What's the point ". I whispered

"Mary what do you mean ". Yoongi asked

"I can't live without Mina haunting me and me being heart broken . Me coming home to an empty house being scared of thunder no one to run to . I'm sick of being lonely ". I whispered tears rolling down my eyes

"I can't even eat or sleep".

I got up and went to rivers dock . I climbed up to the top of the second dock . I dived into the water hearing shouts and yelling behind me.

I need to cool off .

Dangerous love and war Bagtan (BTS, Got7 FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang