❦Chapter 18❦

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True love is knowing a persons faults, and loving them even more for them.


The Vampire King pulled me up as he led us to a car. He was still gripping my hand tightly in his as he drags me with him.

“Unhand me you vile creature!” I thrashed about but they seemed to be unaffected.

“You should be ashamed of yourself, how could you even turn your back on your kind!” I shouted at Jace expecting his reaction but his face was still impassive and stoic.

I was heaving heavily as I tried to make a plan on escaping but the Vampire King- or should I say Dimitri tightened his grip on my wrist as if he was reading my thoughts before he leaned closer to me.

“Don’t try to escape, Love” he whispered in my ear and I shivered in both disgust and the closeness. I backed away from his as much as possible, not wanting to be close to him. I don't even want to breathe the same air with him.

He led us inside the car as he threw me inside callously; afterwards he then entered the car. I glared at him with all my hate.

“What do you want from me?” I snapped at him as I rubbed my bruised wrist.

“No need to get angry at me, you should be grateful. And to answer your question, what I want? Simple. I want you” he said nonchalantly and bluntly, and that made my blood boil.

How could he simply state those words casually, did he think that kidnapping a person is a normal thing for him to do?

“Over my dead body! I will never be yours! I will only belong to Damien and I am only hi-” I was cut off short when I felt a sharp sting to my cheek, I cradled my red cheek with my hand as tears flow freely from my eyes. I glared at him with all thr hatred pent up inside.

“Look what you made me do!” (heh, Taylor Swift) he yelled in frustration before he removed my hand and I flinched as he cupped my cheek. I tried to get away from him but he had a strong grip on my jaw, making it slightly bruise.

“You will only be mine and mine only, you are not his. Remember that he doesn’t even want you, remember? When you first met him, you saw him in a bed with another woma-” and like karma itself I slapped him with my entire arm’s full force. Dimitri’s eyes widen as his eyes start to darken in a dark red color.

He is angry at me but I don't care, he slapped me first so I will do that to him too.

He grabbed my face and I winced at his bruising hold.

“Never, ever do that again!” he all but screamed at my face before he released me and I restrained myself from rolling my eyes.

“Do you understand?” he asked angrily.

I didn’t find it in me to respond so I settled in with a nod, he didn’t took it approvingly but he let it slide before he pointed his finger towards the driver.

“You!” he indicated to the driver.

“Drive” he ordered as if he was God himself, I wanted to scoff so badly. The driver looked so terrified of him; I wonder if he really is that scary?

Don’t do anything stupid Scarlett, he is a dangerous man and he will do anything to you’ Myr warned me, sounding concerned. She was still recovering from our heartbreak.

I will’

‘Please be careful, okay?’ I nodded my head at her and looked at the tyrant beside me.

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