Chapter 45.

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"What do you think?" I say down the line.

"Yeah, I can arrange that," my dad replies.

"By three?" I ask.

"Yes, by three, I'll talk to you later," he says and cuts of the line. I bring my phone down from my ear and proceed to the messaging app.

Me: be at mine by 3. Wear something nice. X

Jason: ?? X

Me: you'll find out. Xx

Jason: I'll leave in a second. Do you have a picture of us that's nice? Xx

Me: yea, why?

Jason: I wanted to get some printed. Send me them please (: xx



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Jason: I'm so cute

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Jason: I'm so cute. 🏋🏻‍♀️

Me: if you like (;. Wtf is that? X

Jason: I dunno i just updated my phone, there's some weird emojis ⚜️🔱🔆🔅🚼🌚🌚🌚

Me: molester moon is an OG. 🌚🌚🌚

Jason: shush I haven't had an iPhone for very long. ☄️🍟🌯🍜🍾🍸🍽

Me: 👽👽

Jason: ayy lmao 👽👽

Me: memes. Now go get ready it's like half 2. Xx

Jason: okay. I'll see you in a bit.


"You look.. nice," I cough. Jason's broad shoulders are covered with the thin black fabric, his neck tied with a matte black tie. His usual black converse are replaced with some black Chelsea boots. He has his usual skinny jeans on but all in all looks a lot smarter than he does in his usual ripped clothes.

"Thanks, so, why am I dressing up?" He asks me.

"You'll see, come on, the car will be here soon," I say and push past him. I feel his confused eyes on me as I shuffle past, walking towards the lift.

"The.. car?" Confusion is very evident in his voice.

"Yes, the car," I say and I'm interrupted by the sound of the lift and the doors of it opening.

"Uh, what car?" Jason follows me into the lift.

"Some kind of BMW I believe," I remark sarcastically.

"I'm so fucking confused," he mutters under his breath.

"Shut up," I say and step out of the elevators as the doors close. Jason follows me closely through the doors and out of the main exit, towards the only nice car parked outside. The chauffeur is standing on the curb, smiling at us as we walk towards him. He holds out his right hand and I shake it.

"David," he says, shaking my hand slightly. His English accent is very prominent, clearly an upper class male.

"Lana," I smile and let go of his hand. He then reaches to shake Jason's hand and they both introduce themselves.

Our drive is filled with questions about London and New York, and Jason begging both me and David to tell him where we were going.

"I don't get why I'm dressed up and you're not, Lana," Jason turns to me. I turn my head and try to hide my smirk but it doesn't work.


"You're taking me to London?" Jason says, swinging his bag over his shoulder, his eyes wide at the tickets in my hands. I look up at him and nod.

"Yeah, I thought I'd surprise you, my dad helped me plan it," I tell him. 

"Wh-why?" He stutters.

"I just wanted to do something nice for you, is that so bad?"

"No.. no it's not, but what about all my stuff?" He questions and I nod towards David who is unpacking the boot.

"Jesus Christ, Lana, thank you," he says, awkwardly shifting from one foot to another. I take a step towards him and hold his chin.

"I've noticed a drop in your mood recently," I say and stand up on my tip toes to place a small peck on his lips, "and I wanted to cheer you up. And you've always said how much you'd love to visit London so I thought I'd take you, show you around and stuff."

"I love you, Lana," he says and looks down at me, his grey eyes staring down into my soul and igniting a fire deep in the pit of my stomach.

"I love you too, Jason," I say, connecting my lips with his.


•it's so good to be back. Sorry I didn't update as soon as I got back I was tidying and unpacking and stuff and ugh stress.

•sorry this is so short, I needed to quickly get it done! I love you guys and thank you for reading!! Xx

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