Moving on

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It's been a while since l last wrote anything, guess I just got a little too busy with everything and nothing at the same time.

Now, do you know what it feels like to move on?

If you ask me then I'd say that it's one of the best feelings in the world.

It's like an enormous burden that you were carrying on your shoulders that has absolutely no benefit or meaning anymore to you is taken away from you.

You feel so free that you want to fly, so free that you want to dance all night, so light that you feel like you're living again. So good, that you think that it was an unnecessary thing that you kept thinking about and you feel like moving on is the best decision that you've ever made.

Moving on is realizing that the other half that you kept thinking about has no appreciation for you now.

All his words are gone with the wind and at the same time you don't regret him happening to you.

You're glad that he happened to you, but now you know that if that person doesn't want to stay, you better let him go.

Now, you know that if that the other person has moved on so easily then why should you keep crying about him?

If this break up isn't affecting him as much as you then he's not worth your tears.

If he isn't missing you at all that he can't even reply to your texts then let that hell of a person go, but don't keep any grudges against him in your heart because if you do then you know that you haven't moved on.

If he already likes another girl or if he's already in another relationship then you know that he isn't worth your time. That's what he's gonna do his entire life, he's gonna move from person to person and maybe one day he might realize that what he lost was something that guys look for their entire lives.

Let that shit of a person go because simply saying he's 'not worth the pain, time, energy, tears or anything at all'.

If he was worth then you wouldn't need to move on.

And how do you know that you've finally moved on?

When you can see that person with someone else and still you feel like it doesn't affect you anymore, when you can actually think of having a break up party, not in the hope that that party will distract you, but when you know that you need to be distracted anymore and you actually want to party, that's when you'll be good again.

Now, that my friend is what they call CLOSURE.

Just in my headKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat