suck suck lick lick

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Authours Note-
bich im back nd im updating aw yiiss also this has no relation to the story but listen to this song its hella rad:

I was in awe. The person who I had just dreamed about being in the same room as was HOLDING MY HAND!!! I can't believe how much my life could improve in just 5 minutes. Phil lead me to his car and we sat alone in the warmth closer than I had got to anyone in over 20 years. I looked at him amazed at how someone could be so beautiful then we returned to his house and my new home. I tried to remember what I had learnt from the books that i spent all my life reading and I leaned in and did what all those books had taught me. I began to suck his lips and lick his tongue. I didn't get why people found this attractive I honestly just felt like I was hovering his face but whatever he was doing felt good. Then he left the room to go to the loo and suddenly I felt something strange. I looked down and oh my was I shocked. My penis was shot up and I fainted from seeing something this unusual, I thought I was going to die.

I opened my eyes and the room was dim. Phil was next to me and he was watching tv. On the tv there was a blonde woman with lots of dragons. I was so confused dragons arent real !!??? "Hello sleepy head" Phil said then he lightly kissed my head. I smiled at him and he smiled back making my heart flutter. Had I finally changed? Was all my anger gone because of this one person? I had finally become a normal person! lol no jk i thought wrong hahahaha

Authors note - lmao sorry this was so rushed but i wanted to update and i knew if i wasnt gonna do it now i would end up not doing it and just binge watch shows until i remembered about this story like 7 months later but i'll try to do better next time (if i dont forget about this story lolololl)

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