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Interlude 5: LANDON

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Interlude 5: LANDON

No one except the hobgoblin hangs around the dragon's chamber at the top of the tower. As far as hobgoblins go, he's alright. At the very least, Landon could appreciate his sarcasm. He doesn't actually say much before leaving Landon alone with Summervell, but his expressions are enough.

Summervell faces the window at the far end of the office. Landon has to fight against the urge to cower. Even a mortal would have been able to sense the dragon's foreboding presence. But a Ziz gryphon is second only to dragons and fears no creature. "Shaldorn is not happy to hear of your return," Summervell says.

"We knew he wouldn't be."

"I've summoned him here. He promised to listen."

"And you actually think he'd listen?" says Landon. "After what he thinks I did to the Swift One?"

"He must. Shaldorn knows what's at stake. It will, perhaps, all be easier to accomplish if we manage, for once, to be united. You must reach an agreement with him, otherwise you risk having him and the other wyverns as your enemies. And it isn't just the wyverns who are raising a rebellion. There's treason among the creatures of the woodlands too."

Landon sighs. It was during his greatest life. He had been only fifteen as a human and so powerful that Revenna couldn't trace him. "If Shaldorn can bring himself to believe me that the Swift One gave her life voluntarily to help me create the lens, then it may be possible," he says, voice dripping with doubt.

The dragon turns and looks at him. "We'll make him believe."

"If I had the power to make people believe me do you think we'd be in this situation right now?" Landon growls. "If you would've believed me."

"Yes, continue to lament the past as the future slips away," the dragon says smoothly, dismissively.

"It's just... this feels hopeless."

"Now, I never thought I'd hear those words coming from you," Summervell says. "Little One, I want you to prepare for this summit. It would be best if we can continue our plans without running into opposition."

"And if it won't work?"

The dragon smiles a smile void of humour or joy. "Then you will do what you have always done."

"Which is?"


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