[one: the run and go]

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[chapter one: the run and go]

Ten Hours Before:

[Violet's Point of View:]

Violet had always been a person who loved the idea of acting on pure adrenaline, on the rush of doing things in the now. It was something she had grown to love; most called it recklessness, but she thought otherwise.

If it hadn't been for her sudden choice of actions and capability to break free from the bullshit they had been enduring for months, Violet was sure that by the next week she'd be dead. Everyone knew it, even her, that she wasn't going to last another day at the camp without stepping out of line. It was something Violet couldn't help, so getting the hell out of there was the next best option next to killing their leader known as dumbass Ryan.

Violet was hastily shoving the little clothes she had into the blood-stained army backpack she owned before it happened. It was practically filled to the top, but with the adrenaline and panic racing through her stomach, shoving everything she had into the bag became so much easier than ever before. Behind her, the sounds of her friend doing the same were much louder, heavy breathing spilling from her lips accompanied the anxiety that had occupied the air.

"Hurry," Violet said with a hushed voice, "they'll be back soon. We need to leave before any of them see us."

"I know, I know," the older girl said back. Violet peeked over her own shoulder temporarily, catching the gaze of Eleanor. Her bright blonde hair was colored orange from the soft glow of their lamp, blue eyes radiating what looked like pure fear.

Earlier, Violet was sure that the woman would have disagreed with her sudden plan of bailing the overly-populated camp, but knowing the conditions that the two of them had been living in, not including the constant disgusting treatment, Violet couldn't say that she was surprised that Eleanor eagerly agreed to the idea.

The sound of new arriving footsteps drew the girl's attention away from shoving her toothbrush into her bag. Within three steps, Violet was peeping through the hole carved into their tent. A large sigh of relief escaped her mouth though when she only saw Nancy, a teenage girl, passing by. For a second, she thought they were too late, but the sight of no men in their camp only added to the hope that herself and Eleanor were really leaving.

"You done?" Eleanor was beside her within seconds, hair swooped to the side and fingers twitching.

Violet sent her a small grin, "Done as hell with these people's bullshit. Let's go, El."

Swiftly, but silently, Violet unzipped the tent. They were really leaving, they were really escaping the people that had imprisoned them for months. It almost felt like a dream, one that finally had a happy ending.

But this wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

Violet froze, feeling El bump into her a mere second later. They had barely made it ten steps from the tent.

Turning on the heel of her boot, Violet's blood ran cold. Ryan stood mere feet away from her, one hand placed on his hip and the other wielding a silver pistol. The smirk that was etched across his face said it all: he had finally caught them in the act of doing the one thing punishable by death.

"We're leaving," Violet said strongly. Not a quiver was found in her voice, making her sound stable and strong, but the rapid beating of her heart made Violet feel otherwise. They were unbelievably fucked. "And you can't stop us."

"Is that so?" Ryan let out a loud laugh, the sound was bitter to Violet's ear's. "Do I need to remind you again what happened to the last person that attempted to leave here without permission?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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