Chapter 5/ just a crush

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Hey guys! I see some people have been reading! Please comment your opinions so far and suggestions! I won't give up on righting and I won't leave anyone hanging! Please follow and star and I'll do same! Thank you for reading!
Chapter 5/just a crush
     "Soo uh are you the new neighbor?" Finn looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, I actually met your mother she seems very nice." "She's alright." He replies and we chuckle. I know I'm only 14 but sitting here with Finn feels amazing and like a lifetime experience! I'm head over heals, nah it's just a small crush.

Finns POV
Wow she's really pretty! So far she seems like a dream come true! I know I'm only 14 but I feel a spark here, nah it's just a small crush.

Back to Tate's pov

We have been just sitting here for like 40 minutes talking we did not even notice it's almost dark! "Wow it's uh getting late." I said. "Oh uh yeah it is huh? We should probably get to our houses!" "Shit, I can't see if I ride my longboard!" I quickly cover my mouth, "sorry." "No no it's fine I cuss sometimes to, anyways it is dark for skateboarding, how about you hop on my bike I have room?". "Really?" I said kind of shocked, he nodded and I grabbed my longboard and hopped on his bike. The ride home was silent but not awkward silent, nice silent.

/10 minutes later/

We finally got to my house! "Hey, thanks for the ride" I chuckled. He nodded and turned about to leave, "wait!" I yelled and he turned back fast. "Yeah?" He said. "Do you uh maybe wanna have dinner with me and my family, that's the least I can do for my ride home hero." I laugh and he gets off his bike "sure", he says smiling. We walked into my house and as usual it was loud, my mom was cooking and humming, my dad was watching football as he yells at the tv, and my brother was yelling trying to get my dads attention. Ehem! I say loud. Everyone stops and stares and continues. "GUYS! I have someone over for dinner." My mom yells at my dad "stop the tv real fast" my dad lets out an annoyed moan and pauses his show and says "yes?" I look at him than Finn then my dad stops and says "ohh my bad! Hello you must be" he stopped mid sentence. "I'm Finn." Finn exclaims and they shake hands. I drop my bag and head to the table and Finn follows. "Ma when's dinner?" "Right now" my mom says and laughs and looks at Finn and says "well I hope you like pasta!" Finn chuckles and nods his head. I bet he thinks my family's crazy.

Finns POV:
Wow her family crazy but I like it! It's much for fun in her house than mine, that's for sure! Her mom seems funny and her dad also and her brother seems geeky! Ahah not judging just saying, this girl is cool and so is her family.

Back to Tate's POV:
Mom plopped a big ass bowl of spaghetti on the table and Finn looked like he was hungry. Few. My mom put down forks motioning everyone to dig in. I grab a decent size of spaghetti and Finn grabs a big scoop!  He looks at me and smiles as he piles a big spoon full of spaghetti in his mouth, oddly cute. I finish eating and my brother exclaims "so you must be Tate's new boyfriend." I put my hand on my head and shakes my head, Finn says "not yet". I look at him and smile and he smiles back, luckily my dad did not hear, he's to busy eating and my mom just looks at me and winks. "Gross!" My brother yells. Me and Finn just laugh.

  Dinners over to me and Finn go to the door and my family says by than I hug him and say my goodbyes and he grabs his bags and looks at me as he leaves "bye Tate, I had fun, see you tomorrow?" He smiles and I reply "of course my hero" he giggles and walks out the door. I shut the door and watch him leave and I lean against the door and plop down on the floor. I'm catching feeling.

Finns pov
It was almost sad leaving. I think I'm catching feeling.
Okay that's a wrap, ahha! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I sure did ;). Please comment and like and star and all that good stuff. Have a blessed night!

Finn Wolfhard imagine |neighbors|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora