125 Tirr's End

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Yuna's head broke through another concrete slab. She had lost track of how many floors they had devastated by now. Tirr beat her all over the many floors through the building, but now and then she could land a hit on him. His blows were by no means as strong and precise as they were at the beginning of their battle.

She coughed and spat out concrete splinters as she struggled to her feet. As her opponent also reached this floor, he slipped and had to cling on to the ground. Oh, yes, he too had a lot of trouble. He pulled himself up and stomped, heavily breathing, towards her.

"How about a break?" he asked exhausted.

"Don't tell me you're getting tired."

"I think I'll just tear off your damned head."

"If it only was that easy, right?" Pissed off, he gritted his teeth.

The girl was further beaten up until she broke through the roof. Immediately, the rainwater flowed through the breakthrough. An avalanche of gravel rolled through and thundered into the floor below. She rolled over the wet gravel and licked a few drops of water from her lips. She was dying of thirst, which she hadn't noticed so far.

Tirr's pranks reached through the hole and tried to find halt in the gravel. He pulled himself up to the roof. He had indeed lost all caution. Like a child, he struggled to climb up. That was her chance. She clasped the sword, straightened herself, and hurried over to him.

He hurled a handful of pebbles at her, but they bounced off like bullets from her. Yuna couldn't be stopped. Now to cut off his head would end this thing. She took out and slammed, but the sword stopped at his neck.

"Muscles ...", Yuna thought disappointed and annoyed about herself. He grabbed the blade with his free hand and hurled the huntress over him. She bounced head on into the gravel and slid across the ground. She got up and marched back to him. Meanwhile, Tirr had pulled himself to the roof and stood up. Both were panting for air.

"I'll throw you ... from this fucking roof," Tirr gasped.

Yuna took a deep breath. "Whatever."

They shuffled towards each other. She had wounded his left hand, both knees and the left elbow. His leather clothes had cuts and cracks everywhere. Her school uniform, on the other hand, was still unharmed. Dirty but undamaged. She had some scratches and bruises on the head and the free forearms. And her stockings also were ripped at some spots, but she had more of them. Sweat ran from her forehead and burned in the scratches, but that was all right. Soon it would be over.

Tirr took out and swung his left fist in her direction. The girl ducked and pushed the sword tip into his left armpit. The Oni growled, but all elan had left him. The huntress swung the sword above her head, but missed him.

They staggered apart and gasped. The monster stepped towards her, hit her and hurled her back a few yards. He took a deep breath and wiped his face. The girl came to her feet and stared at him, full of hatred. She needed only one well-placed hit, then she could kill him.

"Why won't you die, you fucking bitch?!" he yelled in a shrill voice.

"Why won't you die, you miserable bastard?" Yuna replied dryly.

He rushed towards her. Apparently he still had a few reserves, because he moved again a lot faster. But what good did this for him? He could hardly wound her.

Onihunter YunaWhere stories live. Discover now