Sneak peek

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Punch, kick, drop. Jump, kick, knee. Punch, elbow, choke.

"Well that was easy enough." I whisper to myself as I walk off the podium undoing the wrap around my wrist. I take off the tape and shove it in my bag, straddling the bench. I grab the towel and wipe my face, groaning as I start to feel my muscles ache. I fish my water out of the fridge next to me and gulp down the cold liquid, soothing my parched throat.

"Seriously girl, how the hell did you learn to fight like that?" A boy asks me who seems to be a couple years older than me with dark hair and clothes hugging to him like an extra layer of skin.

"Practice makes perfect." I wink at him sarcastically and turn, rolling my eyes. I grab my bag and head out of the gym, walking home in the pitch black.

My hair whips frantically around my face as the wind blusters through the trees, cooling me down. The inky blue skies darken by the second and the crisp, lifeless leaves rustle around my feet, crunching under my every step.

Night lamps switch off and car engines die out. People's conversations float around, getting jumbled with the voices on their television. A few cars drive past as I stroll down the street. In the morning it is usually so much busier, but at night, most people are inside either sleeping or getting drunk. At least, that's what happens with most university students.

I hear a baby crying in the distance as I see the hospital come into view, only one lone car parked outside. One half of the hospital has been blitzed ready for refurbishment. Then, my house finally comes into my line of sight.

I get home to silence and stand outside. I guess that's a positive of having sensible roommates, they are usually all in bed at a reasonable time. I unlock the door and shut it as quietly as I can before tiptoeing up the stairs. I make sure to jump over the sixth one up, which always lets out the loudest groan possible, and skitter up to the third floor. My door squeals lightly as it clicks shut and I sigh, relieved when no one wakes up to wonder what the noise was.

I tumble over to my bed and drop dead on top, feeling the soft silk between my fingers and relishing in the feel of it under my hands. I close my eyes and instantly feel sleep take over my body.


If you think that you might be interested in this book, I really hope you can vote or comment on it.

This is just the first few paragraphs of the first chapter and so I was hoping that people may comment/ vote to tell me what they think and to let me know that I am not wasting my time in writing this. So, please vote or comment. Thanks.

P. S. I wasn't going to cast anyone because I like to leave characters and settings and everything else completely to your imagination, but Elite season 3 is coming out soon and honestly, Mina El Hammani is exactly what I imagined as the main character.

What do you think?

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