Prologue II [A Short Teaser, Part 1]

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Two blondes were in the cafeteria, a boy and a girl. Doesn't seem suspicious, right? But what if I told you it was in the middle of the night and there was no school today? Now you can say it is suspicious.

The blonde gril glared at the other blonde she was with, clearly irritated at his sudden appeareance.

"Why'd you even come here?!" She whisper-yelled.

"To get on your nerves." He answered back to the blonde girl.

"Will you ever stop being annoying?!" She exclaimed in a tone above a whisper. Seeing her reaction she was clearly loosing her patience at the moment.

"You want to get caught? I can just pretend to accidentally tip that bottle over there." The male infront of her asked while casually pointing his index finger towards the nearest table.

"Of course not stupid!" She whispered warningly. Her mind raced from different types of ways to punch the boy infront of her if only he wasn't the son of the freakin' godd*mn owner of this very school, then she would have beaten his *ss out already.

"I wonder what they'll say after seening us here together-?" Before she could say something else the boy directly added another line.

"-they'll say we were sneaking off to make out." He then winked at the girl.

Irked with his assumption she punched his shoulder before whisper-yelling in embarassment, "Shut up! As if that'll happen anytime soon and to crush your dreams soon would be never!"Len, the blonde male with her laughed silently at other blonde's answer.

"Maybe not now." He joked.

Rin was very much tempted to shout at his annoying face but she had to calm down unless she wanted to get caught.

"What can I ever do to make you stop annoying me?" She asked with a sigh.

"Let's be friends and I'll be nicer." Len suggested.

"Over my dead body!" She retorted sending a glare in his direction.

"Sure, but when will you be dead?" He humored quickly.

"Argh!" Rin graoned in annoyance. This stupid blonde was getting on her nerves.

"Come on, let's be friends." Len said as he reached out his hand, he even sent a wink at the end of his suggestion.

"How about well I don't know..NEVER."

"Friends?" He didn't pull away his hand instead he pulled off a charming smile.

"No, absolutely not."

"Come on." The blonde sent another wink at her.

"If you think winking will make me say 'yes' then I suggest you to just guage your eyeballs out 'cause that's not going to work." Rin spoke lowly through gritted teeth.

"Ouch, that's pretty harsh." The blonde boy faked a hurt expression while dramatically pretednding to have been shot on his chest.

"Oh I'll really be harsh.""Come on and just be friends with me."

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