(Anything could happen)

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One week left till graduation can’t believe the year flew by so fast. I don’t want to leave but like the Doctor we all have to leave one day.

“Were going to miss you so much April, I don’t know how I’m going to survive without you” Fiona said to me.

I gave her a sad look and hugged her for a brief moment.

“I don’t know how I’m going to live without you either, you’ve been my best friend from the beginning and I’ve told you almost everything I don’t think I’m going to find someone like you” She gave me a sad look and hugged me one more time.

“What has Mr Benson got to say about this?” She asked me.

“Well each time I try to bring the topic up he finds a way to ignore it and the whole vampire topic” I told her.

“Don’t worry he’ll come around you just have to give him some time. He’ll trust you out of all people, you can tell me loves you” She said.

“Well he hasn’t told me he loves me” Fiona raised her eyebrows.

“He hasn’t told you that he loves you?” She said.


“Well then you should obviously if you feel that you really do love him”

“The thing is….I don’t know whether I’m in love with him or not I felt the same thing with Cameron but obviously with Bryan it’s more serious”

“Ok April listen to me. Love is when you love forward to meeting that person the next day, this person can always bring a smile to your face no matter what, they cause this feeling inside your stomach which you question yourself about every day and most importantly the fact that they can make you blush and you can embarrass yourself easily-that is love” She said seriously.

Wow, I can’t believe Fiona just said that.

“That was deep” I replied.

“Yeah I know, and I don’t plan on going back that road again and are you in love with him then?” She said.

I started thinking and as I was thinking I found myself ticking of everything that Fiona said….I’m in love…I’m in love. Oh my gosh I’m in love

“Fiona I’m in love with him” I replied slowly.

Fiona’s face broke into a smile as she hugged me briefly.

“Go to his classroom and tell me that” She said.


“No next year, yes now. Go” She pushed me causing me to stumble.

I quickly ran in the opposite direction getting into the school building, his classroom was right there. I slowed down my pace and began making my way when something or someone blocked my way. Looking up it was Caleb.

“Hey Caleb I would love to talk but I got to go do something” I told him.

I walked past him but to find him holding onto my arm. I turned to look at his face, he looked very serious.

“This is important” He said.

“How important is this?” I replied getting irritated.

“I saw Cameron today” He said slowly.

I looked at him confused.

“What do you mean you saw Cameron today? Caleb Cameron’s dead” I told him.

He shook his head as a no and brought me closer so he could whisper in my ear.

“I’m not lying April, he said to me to tell you to meet him in the graveyard six pm sharp” Caleb let go of my arm and started walking away.

“How do I know that this isn’t a joke?!” I yelled out to him.

He turned around and stared at me.

“Go to the graveyard and you’ll see” 

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