Chapter 20

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It's that time again for the Katniss crying gif.

My feet carried me up the stairs as I tried to find Bolin.

I just wanted him to hold me, to keep me safe. Hopefully he wouldn't be upset with Korra and I trying to prove that Mr. Sato was working with Amon. Luckily, Leinani wasn't in sight, which meant I could talk to Bolin in peace without her glares.

Turning to the left, I found the third door.

"Bolin I ne-" I started as I opened the door. My words trailed off as I took in the sight in front of me.

Bolin was in his room, as the butler promised, but he wasn't alone.

He laid on the bed, and on top of him was Leinani, who was kissing him feverishly. Her hands gripped the collar of Bolin's shirt to pull him closer to her. They begin kissing harder, quicker and with more passion. Their lips move in sync, meaning Bolin was kissing her back.

Is this the feeling Bato felt when he saw me with Bolin? This feeling of anger and pain, but most of all emptiness. No, Bato was insane, he wasn't right in the head. Was I insane? Didn't Bolin like me? Was I not good enough for him? Slowly, my eyes filled with hot tears. As the make-out session continued on, tears fell from my eyes and down my cheeks.

With each kiss, I felt a piece of my heart crack. How could they do this to me?

Lifting up from Bolin's lips, Leinani looked down at him. Neither of them noticed me, causing the scene to continue. "Mmm Bolin" Leinani purred as she peeled off her jacket, leaving her in a tank top.

Sitting up, Bolin kissing Leinani again before rolling on the bed, so he was on top of her.

He didn't even see me. Leinani moved her hands onto the hem of his shirt, then quickly took it off. I watched as the muscles in Bolin's bare back flexed as he took of Leinani's shirt.

Clenching my fists, white hot rage seethed through me. "Hi there Bolin" I say, making the two freeze. "I wanted to talk to you, but I see you're busy, so get back to it" I say, a frown on my face as Bolin whips around.

"D-Dakota!" Bolin calls, but I turn on my heel and I march out of the room, slamming the door as I walk down the hall.

I take in a breath as the tears increase in amount. My slow steps turn into a run as I go down the stairs. My feet carry me to the door. I was almost there. However, my feet gave out, causing me to fall to my knees.

My body quivers as I cry. Why would he do this? Did he not like me? Were the times that our hands were intertwined, was it all a lie? My vision is burly from my tears that flow down my face like a river.

As I sit there, on my knees, a strong hand that is too familiar lands onto my shoulder.

I instantly stand up and back up from his touch. Bolin looks hurt by my action, making me almost say sorry.


His green eyes look into mine, and unlike his, mine slowly start to swim in rage. "How could you?!" I screech, my voice sharp.

"Dakota...I am so so sorry.." Bolin cries out, his own eyes filled with sadness and pain. "She just came into my room..and it happened" he tried explaining but I waved my hand.

"Oh please, you enjoyed it, I saw you kiss her back Bolin" I sneered. The image of the two sent another wave of pain through me, causing angry tears to fall from my face. He moved forward, setting a hand on my arm again.

Grabbing his hand, I flung it off me "No" I warned. "Never touch me again".

I backed up, remembering the times he held me. The times he kissed me and made me laugh. The tears turned into streams of pain yet again. But now, I couldn't hold back the sob that escaped my mouth "I loved you Bolin, and I thought you did to" I said.

Before he could respond, Leinani walked forward and wrapped an arm around his arm.

"You!" I sneer, raising a hand to point it at the girl. "It's me" Leinani responds smugly.

With a scream of rage, I pull the tears from my face and I slam it into Leinani, and she flies back. "Why?!" I scream as the water surrounds her and I waterbend her into the air.

"Why!?! You know I was with him! You know I like him! How could you?!?!" I scream as I cross my arms. Uncrossing them and shooting my hands forward, the girl slams into the wall with a bang. Clenching my fists, the tears of my pain froze her to the wall.

"You know" Leinani responds, her voice cool and collected "Little Bo has always had a crush on me, I was doing him a favor".

Locking my jaw, I pull some more water from my face and form it into an ice spear. With a scream of anger, I shoot it towards the girl. However, I stop it just as it nears her face.

Looking down, I release my clenched fist.

Leinani jumps forward, and slams her hands into my sides, a gasp of pain escaping my lips. I moved my hands, trying to slam water into her again, but the water didn't move. My eyes shot up, glaring into hers with such a hatred, I swore her eyes widened slightly.

"Let's see how great you are without your bending" Leinani says, her face smirking. "Leinani" Bolin warns but we ignore him.

"Fine, you want to fight? Let's do it" I sneer, moving my fists towards my face.

Rushing forward, I outstretch my fist, ready to slam it into Leinani's face. Sadly, her quick reflexes grabbed my arm, and jabbed it repeatedly until it hung numb at my side.

"Stop it! We can talk this out!" Bolin cries out. Leinani and I continue to ignore him and as we continue our fight.

Grabbing my boomerang, I throw it directly at her. Sadly, she flips and dodges it.

As it comes back around, she grabs it and smirks "I see you didn't get your Grandpa's boomerang skills".

A snarl rips from my throat "and I see that you didn't get your Grandma's bending. I guess you're not as good as her.".

Suddenly, a wall rips itself from the ground, separating us. "Stop it!" Bolin screams angrily.

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