Chapter VII ~ Texting

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Yukimura Chihiro
Me: Hi, are you up? I bet you're still asleep.
milk_lover9: Chihiro how r u awake that early on a sunday?? Do u have an alarm that shouts VOLLEYBALL TIME 4 VOLLEYBALL or smth?
Me: ...
milk_lover9: Ok sorry.
milk_lover9: What did u want 2 tell me?
Me: It's okay. Can you come with me to town after school on Monday? There's something important that we need to discuss about volleyball. Seijoh finishes after Karasuno, so can you wait at Seijoh?
milk_lover9: Thats fine. But volleyball?? Cant u just say what u want 2 say now??
Me: No, sorry. Please wait until tomorrow. Thanks for saying that you can.
milk_lover9: Thats ok. C u on monday.
Me: See you Kags!

Iwaizumi Hajime
prince-of-volleyball: Iwa-chan~
prince-of-volleyball: Iwa-chan~~
prince-of-volleyball: Iwa-chan! Don't ignore me (♯`∧') (◉⌓◉)
Me: Huh? What is it now, Trashykawa?
prince-of-volleyball: Iwa-chan!! How did it take you over 3 HOURS to reply?? I was
really lonely, you know~ I'm just happy that my OTHER friends
are with me so I don't need you~ (♯`∧')
Me: I'll have you know that I do have a life that's not revolving around yours. A much
         better one, may I add.
prince-of-volleyball: Iwa-chan, hidoi!
Me: Plus you aren't even with anyone - you're just watching alien films in your room. I
        can literally SEE you doing all that from here.
prince-of-volleyball: Stop ruining my image, Iwa-chan!

I saw that that text carries a more profound meaning to it than the other ones. He does that sometimes, but recently even more so. I decided to step lightly with caution.

Me: Why did you even text me in the first place? Don't you need to tell me something?
prince-of-volleyball: Can you come with me to the shops in town tomorrow so I can buy a new knee supporter?
Me: Why should I come with you?
prince-of-volleyball: Iwa-chan, please! You are my best friend!! (I missed you
Me: Ugh fine I guess. Was your old one not good enough?
prince-of-volleyball: Iwa-chan, you saw what happened at that match.

He tripped on his bad knee in our last match against Karasuno. I'm basically treading on eggshells now.

Me: Okay, I'll go with you. Tomorrow, so Monday right?
prince-of-volleyball: Thanks, Iwa-chan!! Yup, that's right! It's a date! (*゚▽゚*)
prince-of-volleyball: Yes it is~
prince-of-volleyball: Yes it is~~
Me: NO. IT. ISN'T!
prince-of-volleyball: Yes it is~~~

. . .

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