The Boulder Field

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As they made their way through the pass Katyr insisted the three stop at the North West Postern Outpost

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As they made their way through the pass Katyr insisted the three stop at the North West Postern Outpost. The small fort was located about midway between the walls of the Vale and the edge of the boulder field. The guard post was hidden amongst the house sized boulders of volcanic stone making up the field. He wanted to speak with the soldiers always stationed there, especially one who was an old friend of theirs.

As Katyr went into the small courtyard of the outpost he was surprised to see no guards on duty. When he passed through the heavy wooden gate that was the door to the post and into the mud room he could see why. Off to the kitchen area he spied four Elves in light armor sitting around a stout oaken table next to a roaring fire. They were each deeply engaged in eating their mid-day meal when he barged in banging his tall riding boots hard on the floor of the entryway to knock off the snow. Halamar and Orist were close behind doing the same and the three made quite the noise startling the four guards who arose from the table in a hurry as they looked upon the three walking in.

"By the bloody moon what in the devil is this Katyr?" said the guard who had been sitting closest to the door. The four Elves were a tad bit angry and slightly embarrassed as none of them had expected, nor felt, anyone to be outside the Vale so soon after such a fierce storm. The guard cursing at them was named Gaelin, the Captain in charge of the outpost. He had known the three young Elves ever since they were just tall enough to ride a horse.

"Well met Gaelin, old friend! I am glad to see you," Katyr said walking up to the tall broad Elf. "I apologize to put such a surprise on you and your friends, but I have something of import tell you, and a favor to ask if I may."

The gruff soldier looked at Katyr and then at Halamar and Orist and said, "Well met yourselves, you three, and forgive my outburst. We assumed none would be traveling this soon after such a storm. First you must tell me what your business is outside the Vale and then I just might listen to your tale and see if I can help. Let's pull up by the fire in the common room to talk. Ishari, how about bringing four mugs of that hot spiced ale, if you please. If any of you three are hungry we got a big pot of venison stew hangin' by the fire, that you'll have to get yourself."

Katyr, Halamar and Orist each pulled off their thick riding gloves and hung their heavy gossamar cloaks on pegs along the wall. Not ones to turn down a free meal they each filled wooden bowls with stew, grabbed a wooden spoon and made their way to the small common room which was through a wide open archway next to the kitchen. They took their seats in comfy leather chairs set in a half circle in front of a large stone fireplace built into the wall. Steaming mugs of ale were waiting for them on a small wooden table between them and the fire. Gaelin sat down with the three visitors as the other three soldiers went back to their meal and back to their conversation.

Katyr told Gaelin of their plans for one last hunt before winter set in and each had to go their separate ways to begin their lessons. While his friends looked about the cabin, wearing somewhat uncomfortable expressions, he spoke of the darkness he had sensed far out upon the northern plains. He said he could feel an evil intent coming from the darkness and described the sinister foulness he felt. It was different but not unlike the taint of the corrupt Black Magic he had encountered in the past. When he stopped talking Gaelin sat quietly, deep in thought, much to Katyr's relief. He had worried the elder Elf might not take him seriously and laugh off his story much like his friends had done at times.  

"Elves of the Northern Vale" A Tundrawolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now