36; Fjörgyn

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'Ghost of Mine' by Kailee Morgue

"Found myself walking down your street.

Why did you never notice me?

Empty picture frames on the wall.

I see your face."

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask rudely and threateningly to the stranger in front of me.

It was a woman, long black hair that was met to her hips, curled ever so slightly, and had a crown of flowers on her head. A cream colored dress went to the floor and hugged her curves, the sleeves went to her wrists. From what I could see, she had plain cloth slippers. She was gorgeous with brown skin, high cheekbones, green eyes, and plump lips.

"Fjörgyn is my name. You may recognize it's presented in old mythology. Norse, if I am to be precise," the woman, Fjörgyn, explains, a heavy accent laced through her broken English.

"So, does that mean you're a Goddess?" I ask.

"Oh, Gods, no!" She put a delicate hand on her chest. "I am called after one Goddess. Jörd, or also known as Fjörgyn, was the Goddess of Earth," Fjörgyn explains with a smile.

I raise my eyebrows and cross my arms. "Enough with the history lesson, who are you to me?" I ask impatiently.

"I am the first Feeler," she smiles widely.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Why are you here?" I ask.

"Needn't be hasty, my dear. I am to explain to you some importance to your abilities," Fjörgyn explains, she sits down on a chair and I sit across from her hesitantly.

"What should I know? Or more specifically, how are you the first Feeler?" I ask.

"I was a powerful witch in my time," she states, crossing her feet over themselves. "Which was over two thousand years ago." She smiled. My breath catches in my throat and she laughed. "I am a spirit now, of course."

I nod to have her continue.

"Immortals were very rare, allowing most things to be peaceful. Until one day, the war between the servi terram and the praesidium terris began," she began.

"And those are what, exactly?" I asked.

"Ah! Goddess! The Earths Servants and Protectors, which makes Vampires, or daemones terrae, the Earths Demons," She smiled.

"Now, The Protectors were angry with the Servants, pitiful, they were." Fjörgyn shook her head. "They demanded of us Servants to remove their blessing, in which they saw as a wicked curse. We refused, and thus, the war had begun. Decades passed and the Servants were failing. I was taken by the lead Servant, Vör, demanded of me to end the war. Years, I studied, and I found the answer. I constructed myself to be this Feeler, binding myself to the elements."

I was not enough to defeat them, so I asked my two trusted friends, Rán and Máni. Sadly, we died in the war, but at least the Servants won." Fjörgyn smiled softly, saddened by her story.

"Rán and Máni had different abilities than I did. Rán was only able to shake the Earth, and Máni was only able to see the structure of battle. I was able to do much more." She smiled wickedly, proud of herself.

"I was able to move objects with my mind, feel the Earth, see the movements of others before they even knew it themselves, I was powerful," she explains.

"I've never met another Feeler with that same power, nor one with beyond that ability. Then, there was you. You were destined for fantastic things, Harper Petrova," Fjörgyn said with pride.

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