CHAPTER 1: "N-no! Let me go!"

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(I recommend listening to the song above while reading!)

It's almost Halloween, it's the day before actually and you wake up early because of your hyperactive little sister. 

"Wrrraaaa!!! Wake up sleepy head! We have to go!" Lilith said while shaking you.  "Ugh.. can't i have.. like.. 5 more minutes?" Impatient Lilith shook you again "No! Tomorrow it's Halloween and we need to buy costumes, candy makeup and decorations! Now let's go!" Lilith ran out of the room like a little kid. To make her happy you stood up, got dressed and made your way to the front door. 

~In the car~

"So where do we go first? The mall? I think there is an open market just 10 minutes away, we could go there first." Your mother said while taking a turn.

"No! I wanna go to the candy shop first!" Lilith yelled pushing mom gently.

"Calm down Lilith, i'm driving! (Y/N) where do you wanna go first?"

"Doesn't matter.."

"Oh come on now, don't be so grumpy. It's almost Halloween! The time of scares and spookiness! Ooo!"

You rolled your eyes and sighed. Your mother has always been very cringy, you still loved her, but man could she be awkward. And your little sister could easily get on your nerves. 

"Lilith can decide.."

"See! (Y/N) said i can decide! Now let's go to the candy shop!" Lilith yelled happy that you let her decide. 

"Oh fine then... Off to the candy shop!"

~At the candy shop~

There were a lot of children there, some clinging onto their parents, some screaming because of the scary decorations and some just running around with their parents on their tail. All this Halloween hype, you weren't the type of person that really cared that much about it. Sure you like scaring people and telling ghost stories, but sometimes siblings can make it worse. 

"Lilith that's too much~ We still have to buy all the decorations and costumes." Your mother said looking down in the fully packed bag of candy. 

"Aww, but-!"

"No! Put the candy back and come back when it's at least half full."

You stood in the candy aisle, looking at the Halloween candy. There were ghost shaped candy, there were chocolate bats, green jelly monsters and eyeball gum and so much more. They all were interesting to look at. And then there were these rubber vampire teeth. You were a mischievous person so you sneakingly took one of them and put them on to see what you looked like while no one was watching. Right beside you there was a mirror. You made funny and scary faces, you acted silly. And then in the mirror you saw someone looking at you, you quickly turned around spitting the teeth out. The person was standing awkwardly close to you. He wasn't 'looking' at you, he was staring at you, with big eyes and a pretty tense face. 


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