{26} Boxing and Pranks

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Paige's POV-

Zoe had told me about how Louis had been staring at me basically the whole night, you know before Niall gave me that raw vodka. Remind me to kill him later. I stumbled out of the bunk bed and rubbed my head as just plumped right back down onto the couch. A laugh was heard from behind me," My apple juice is not sounding that bad now, is it?"

"Damn you." I groaned and flipped over to reveal a perfectly make up-ed Zoe. I complained," Why do you get to be pretty today?"

She teased," Cause I drank apple juice and not water aka vodka."

"It is an addiction. Once you drink a little bit, you're off into vodka valley." I explained, shielding my eyes with my arm and preventing me from being jealoud of Zoe any longer. 

She dropped the subject,"I'm going downtown with Harry,"

"Ha-who?" I abruptly interrupted her, as I rapidly sat up and gave her a perplexed look. She interwined her hands and looked down, a small blush creeping onto her cheeks, "Harry asked me out on a date,"

I forced myself from not laughing, not because I was making fun of her, but because I was glad that my best friend and my baby brother were actually giving it a try. "Want me to bring anything back?"

"Ah yes, a gun, bleach, and cupcakes." I spoke, rapidly changing the subject and going along with her. 

Zoe nodded, giving me a small smile," I'll try my best. "

She walked out the door and I called,¡, adding onto her list, "WITH SPRINKLES!"

The door was shut and I groaned. I took a candy from the jar and started to get ready. I took a quick shower, not bothering to wash my hair, and threw on a bra, a tank top, underwear, shorts and my vans. I put a bun on top of my head, and my the looks of it I was having a good skin day, so no make up for me. Also I am too damn hungover to do anything so. I walked out of my bus, delivered Niall and Liam into Michelle's hands, and headed to the boys bus. There was nobody in the main room, so I walked past it and moved on to the bunks.


Though, now is the time to snoop through their stuff.

I am evil.

Niall's bunk had a macbook, a bear, an headphones. Same thing with Liam. Matching bears I see.

I ship it.

Zayn had his laptop an iPad on there but there was a bigger gap between the wall and the bed. I put a knee down to support my weight and looked over to find two books. One was the Great Gatsby. I am quite surprised, I would have never thought he was the type of person to read suc a book. And the other one was the Fault in our Stars. Wait, is this mine? I flipped to the first blank page of the book to find John's signature made out to me. Silly boy. I set them both back and moved on to Louis' bed. There was just an envelope, directed to a Styles, but I couldn't quite read the first name. I was about to open it when something caught my eye. I dropped the paper back in place and got a hold of it. I put my hand in it and grasped the firm cloth. It weighed about what mine used to weigh and I smiled at the memories.

"You want some help with that?" A voice startled me. I took my hand out of it and dropped it on the mattress," No-what?"

"You want to go back, don't you?" He asked getting closer to me. I shook my head," I really couldn't. It would ruin me. You know that."

He pulled me closer by my wrist and picked up the object I had thrown onto the bed. He took the strap off and pushed what was once my passion back into my hand. He held up a medium sized pillow to his chest, "Go on,"

I widened my eyes," No, please. Go on your date with Zoe."

He chuckled," You can't stay away from the sport forever."

I took a deep breath," Harry..."

"Hit the damn pillow."

Before he was done with his sentence I had my left foot propelled back and my right hand, the one with the glove, right into the feather container. 

He grabbed a hold of my wrist and had pushed in the other glove, strapping in the loose parts. And with that I was off. I hit the back of that pillow like it was the person I most hated. Ryder. Little bitch ruined my life.

I finished, panting, I took a step forward to place my hands on the sack and placing it close to me.

"You did good."

I threw off the gloves and set them on the ground," You have officially ruined me."

He smirked," You are going to tell me that wasn't what you have wanted to do ever since you stopped."

I let out a breath," I can't go back."


"Cause Ryder taught me." I raised my voice. I closed my eyes to see Harry's widened eyes," Y-he taught you a-and you taught m-me?"

I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. His hand on the back of my head and his other arm wrapped around my bony shoulders,"Thats why."

He shook his head," Don't let him stop you from doing anything, anything, you hear me."


I set the last cup slowly on the top of the pile-or pyramid. The prank Niall and I had done was filling up cups with hot water and stacking them in front of the 5SOS dressing room. And inside, the dressing room was filled with balloons. Like 5000 balloons. Thanks to the fans that helped us blow them up just so they could see their reaction and write their twitters on the rubbery surface. The camera was aimed at the door and Niall and I sneaked away from the room.

And we waited.

And waited.

And wai-"OH MY GOSH."

I took a deep breath and got into my actress mode. I ran to the room and clamped a hand over my mouth," Who did this?"

Niall sarcastically commented," You have a bit of a problem there."

Luke rolled his eyes," No shit, Sherlock."

I couldn't hold it in anymore when Luke and Michael were looking for ways to get in the room. I laughed so loud. Luke's head snapped to me,"You did this?"

I shook my head 'no' but my laugh gave it away. Luke lounged at me and I ran away. I ran through the halls and just opened a random door, got in, and shut it. I breathed out and Luke teased," You can't escape me. Tell me how to get through or else the tickle monster will come."

'Not the tickle monster' I thought. I looked up because apparently my sight was on the floor, and found another face staring at me in awe," Hey, you ok?"

He rubbed his forehead and looked around," Yeah...erm...I'm fine."

He tried to walk forward, only to be tripped by a broom laying around. I caught his hands and pulled him up before he got the chance to fall. As I lifted his hands, his face also came very close to mine. His blue eyes staring into my green ones. His hazel locks falling on his forehead perfectly and his cheekbones standing out even more than often. Or I never noticed them. His lips were slim and pink, but still kissable. I lifted my gaze and cleared my throat before he got the wrong idea," Sorry, Louis."

"I-It's fine." He stuttered out.

The door knob starting jiggling and I snapped back. It eventually stopped and Lou whispered," What did you do?"

I shrugged," I pulled a prank on them."

He chuckled," Well, we best get going. PS. Let me lead the way and run. "

He opened the door with a swing and he ran as fast as his feet could carry him. I followed him close behind, and Luke right behind me.

We eventually lost Luke and found a hiding space in the catering room," That was so fun."

And it really was.

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