The Empty Child

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A/N I don't do these often but I haven't updated in a while. I want to apologize for it... So here is the next update!!! It's shorter only because I wanted to get an update out and it's going to be in two parts so....

Sloan was now sitting in what she now called the captains chair. It seemed fitting enough for the seat and seemed to be a lot less of problem than to call it what she had called it before. Still as she sat on the seat she thought back to the unknown man who had joined in their American meal. Apparently he wasn't the best, very selfish so she'd learned. Sloan was also a little upset to learn that she was thrown out of an issue that Rose had caused. The Doctor had told her all about how Rose ended up saving her father's life which in turn threw her out of existence temporarily. She thought it strange that she hadn't noticed anything. Nothing felt different from all those fake pirate adventures she did and the strange memory like things she kept getting, although the bleeding nose and the headaches had stopped. Not that she was going to tell the Doctor any of that and she had asked the TARDIS to keep it to herself as well.

During the nights she had made sure to keep in contact with her sister, not telling her anything that happened to her but to stay updated with her life at the current moment. Last night she had been told that Rory took her sister out on a nice romantic date. Sloan smiled thinking of Rory, the poor guy has had a ring in his pocket for months and never seems to be able to propose to her sister. Then again no one could ever be so sure with Amy. She changes her mind about almost everything the exceptions being her and Rory.

Sloan paid attention to everything around her when she felt the TARDIS lurch more than she usually did. As soon as the floors had pretty much stabilized she quickly made her way to the console and was about to ask what the problem was but saw the scanner. Something clicked in her mind. Mauve wasn't good. Mauve meant danger... Bad bad things happened with Mauve.

"What's the emergency?" Rose asked not seeing Sloan looking at the scanner, her gaze was to the Doctor who was rushing around the console like the mad man both women knew he was.

Sloan was about to answer her but she wasn't sure where the new information came from or if it was true at all. "It's mauve." The Doctor answered making Sloan blink in surprise, but as he replied he hadn't taken his eyes off from what he was doing.

Rose blinked confusedly "Mauve?" she questioned moving to stand near the console, not really sure what the big deal was.

"The universally recognized colour for danger." Both Sloan and the Doctor answered together. The Doctor looked at Rose as he said that but then turned to Sloan in confusion wondering how she knew that answer but he shrugged it off. During the time he and Rose had been doing their adventures, he was happy to learn that Sloan had learned some healing tricks for her vocal cords and was working to make them stronger.

"What happened to red?" Rose asked again as she moved to stand on the other side of the Doctor in front of Sloan. She was still extremely confused about the whole thing, and wondered how Sloan knew the answer.

"That's just humans." The Doctor explained flipping a switch. "By everyone else's standards, red's camp. Oh, the misunderstandings. All those red alerts, all that dancing. It's got a very basic flight computer. I've hacked in, slaved the TARDIS. Where it goes, we go." He explained thinking about all other times there had been red alerts from the humans and the confusion from everyone else.

"You did what to her?! Doctor I've been in the Library that's not a smart thing to do!" Sloan scolded but she was ignored and interrupted by Rose.

"And that's safe, is it?" Rose had been so focused on the Doctor she hadn't noticed that Sloan had said anything more.

"Totally." The Doctor replied to her moving away from the scanner before a small bang and lots of sparks, which made Rose shriek. Sloan looked to the sparks and narrowed her eyes. She was right. Slaving the TARDIS to the unknown object was a terrible idea. Then again that was mauve and that meant danger and they were the best equipped to handle such things.

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