Chapter Fifteen: Secrets Revealed

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Sunleaf stared in disbelief. "Clawfur? My brother? How?"

Mossystar looked at her paws. "I do not know. It might be that he is jealous of you. Or that he was forced into leading."

Mistyleaf flinched from her cuts. She growled under her breath, then started speaking. "I'm sorry, Sunleaf, but Clawfur is demented. He just is."

Thunderclaw nodded. "She's right. He must have went crazy or something, because he doesn't seem to envy anyone or that he was forced with an attitude like his," he said.

Leafpelt pushed through the crowd of cats with herbs in her mouth. She dropped them at Mossystar's paws. "I'll heal you first. I will not fail you like I did those other few times. And I am terribly sorry for that...I tried but I couldn't do it. How many lives have you lost?"

"One. I only have one left," Mossystar replied.

"One? But the war, it's coming! You can't fight; it'll endanger you of being killed," Leafpelt mewed nervously.

"If I can't fight, neither should the other cats. Besides being leader, I am now just like them with one life. I can fight. I will sacrifice my life for BirchClan. Do not underestimate my courage," Mossystar growled.

"Please be careful, though," Leafpelt mewed softly before attending to the other wounds. She gave Mossystar, Mistyleaf, and Thunderclaw some poppy seeds. "Chew on them. It'll stop the pain. Especially you, Mistyleaf. You seem to flinch whenever you speak."

Mistyleaf nodded and started chewing on the seeds. They didn't taste very good, but it was better than her pain in her face. Thunderclaw watched with surprise as she dug into the pile of seeds in front of her. It must hurt really bad, he thought, and it wouldn't have happened if I was just there to protect her. It was stupid to wait. Mossystar could have still had two lives left if I didn't wait...

Thunderclaw hung his head in shame. He felt stupid for waiting, and it caused Mossystar to lose a life and Mistyleaf to get clawed in the face. "Mistyleaf...I'm sorry," he whispered to Mistyleaf.

Mistyleaf looked up. "For what?" she asked.

"For waiting. You and Mossystar got hurt because of me," he mewed.

"Thunderclaw, it wasn't your fault. I was stupid to run ahead and leave you on your own. And you saved Mossystar from losing her last life. She's here because of you," Mistyleaf purred.

"Thunderclaw and Mistyleaf, put these cobwebs on your cuts. Mistyleaf, you'll need to spend the night in my den. Mossystar, you too. Thunderclaw, you are able to sleep in your den but I'll need you to fetch me more herbs to heal their cuts," Leafpelt interrupted.

"Actually, I think I should spend the night in your den as well, but I'll still get the herbs," Thunderclaw said quickly. He ran out of camp quick as possible to get the herbs. Thunderclaw felt horrible on the inside and decided he was getting sick. He needed to get the herbs and tell Leafpelt, so he could spend the night explaing how sorry he was to Mistyleaf and Mossystar.

Roseheart joined him in his search for herbs. "Hey," she mewed.

"Hi," Thunderclaw responded.

"I should have helped you. You could have gotten me to come," Roseheart growled.

"I don't want to put you in danger. You're my sister," Thunderclaw said.

"Then what about Mistyleaf? Technically, she's also your sister," Roseheart asked.

Thunderclaw stopped. "Mistyleaf...I, I don't know...maybe I think of her as more than a sister. And I feel terrible about how I let her get hurt. If anything, you can claw me in the face to make up for it. I deserve it," he finally said. Roseheart stared at him.

"I won't claw you. You don't deserve claw marks in your face. But about Mistyleaf...are you saying that you...'like' her?" she purred softly.

Thunderclaw hesitated. "No...maybe...yes."

"Mistyleaf!" Roseheart shouted. "Thunderclaw lo-"

Thunderclaw jumped on her and put a paw over her mouth. "Don't tell her!" he whispered.

Roseheart was holding her breath under his paw. She kicked at him and had to bite his paw to get it off. Thunderclaw jumped back in surprise while Roseheart laughed her head off.

Thunderclaw watched his warrior sister act like a kit. "Are you done?" he finally asked.

"Yes," she mewed, regaining control of herself. "But now that you've revealed a secret, it's my turn. I am part of a prophecy. I heard you and Mistyleaf talking about it, but before you left I ran away. It's not much of a secret since you already knew, but you never knew that I knew."

Thunderclaw stared at her. "Okay...well, that' Now, I need to get herbs."

"i bet I'll get more than you!" Roseheart challenged.

"Bet you won't," Thunderclaw growled. The two dashed off for herbs, thinking they'd get more than the other.

Mistyleaf had been washing her cuts in the water hole next to the medicine cat den. They stung at first, but soon were soothing her very nicely. She purred as the water engulfed her legs. Leafpelt watched her with amusement.

"That water must be doing wonders for you," she mewed.

Mistyleaf nodded. "It is."

"Mossystar probably wants a turn if it's that good."

"Alright," Mistyleaf took her paws out and shook the water off. Then she padded back into the den while Mossystar went to clean herself up.

Ravenclaw came into the medicine cat den while Mistyleaf sat. He greeted Leafpelt, then sat next to Mistyleaf. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," Mistyleaf replied.

"Listen, that was really brave," Ravenpaw mewed.

"What was?" Mistyleaf asked.

"Saving Mossystar from the DeathClan cats. You could have been killed," Ravenclaw explained. "And...I'm sorry for teasing you. I guess I was just lealous. You seemed perfect, and I wanted to be better than a rouge...if you still could go by rouge."

"That's...that's really kind. You have a way with words," Mistyleaf purred, licking Ravenclaw's ear. "I like that," she whispered.

"I," Ravenclaw whispered back, so quietly that Mistyleaf could barely hear it.

Mistyleaf suddenly got up in disbelief and -sort of- anger. "Um...I need to go get some fresh air. I'll see you later," she said quickly before running away.

Ravenclaw cursed himself for trying to be so romantic. He wanted badly to go follow Mistyleaf and apoligize, but he knew she wouldn't talk to him about it for a while and instead went to the warrior den and fell asleep, hoping rest would make him feel better.

"I'm sorry," he whispered before falling into a deep sleep.

To Be Continued

Oooh, both Ravenclaw and Thunderclaw like Mistyleaf...who will win her love? :P Took forever to finish this...I got writer's block and it was impossible to think of what Mistyleaf would do. Then the water hole just came to mind from an RPG I did on a game once, and then Ravenclaw and all that...I think it turned out right. What's funny is at the moment I have no clue who should win Mistyleaf's love, so it's a surprise for everyone including me! :D Anyway...




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