Chapter 10

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Jacob POV

"Kayla?!", I said said shocked. I can't believe I did this. I cheated on Johnna. What have I done? I sat on the floor and hung my head in shame then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder and I looked up and seen Kayla.

"What's wrong baby?", she said rubbing my shoulder.

"Get away from me.", I said pushing her hand away then getting up and putting on my clothes.

"What are you doing baby?", she said walking up behind me.

"I'm not your baby and get away from me. I want nothing to do with you.", I said walking past her and opening the door.

"Johnna's cheating on you.", she said making me stop dead in my tracks.

"No she isn't. She would never do that to me. She loves me.", I said turning to face her.

"Yes she is. She's cheating on you right now with Craig."

"No she isn't. I know she isn't. She is too faithful.", I said with tears forming in my eyes. I know she would never cheat on me.

"She did. I'm sorry to tell you but shes cheating on you with Craig. She has been ever since you two got together. She's just a hoe."  she said walking closer to me. I can't deal with this right now. I can't deal with anyone right now. I walked out the door, downstairs, and out the front door. I don't want to believe this at all but it's true. I looked at my phone, it was 1:23 am and no missed calls or texts from Johnna. I got in my car and started driving not know where I was going. I had tears in my eyes and couldn't see anything. Thirty minutes later I decided to pull over and let it out. How could I do this? What am I going to do?

Craig POV

I got a text from Kayla saying that she slept with Jacob and that she told him Johnna was cheating on him with me. I smirked and looked over at Johnna. She had tears in her eyes and I knew she was hurt. I didn't want to do it this way but I had to if I wanted her all to myself. I walked closer to her and wiped her tears away. She looked up at me with pain in her eyes. It hurts to see her like this. I undid the cuffs around her arms and ankles.

"What the hell are you doing?", Natalie said walking up to me.

"It looked liked they were hurting her.", I said rubbing Johnna's wrist because the cuffs left marks.

"So! I don't care!", she said and then started going on and on how about this was my idea when the truth is it was hers. I went along with it because I would get Johnna back. I love her. She was my first everything. I can't live without her.

"Leave.", I said to Natalie cutting her off.

"I'm not going anywhere!", she said crossing her arms.

"Just go and find Jacob. Kayla said he just left the party.", I said looking at Johnna and she snatched he arms away from me. How could she be with me after I've done this to her? Natalie looked at Johnna smirking and left. Why did I let that girl talk me into doing this? I hate myself for this. A tear fell from my eyes and I looked at Johnna and see how much pain she was in. I sat down in the chair against the wall and started sobbing.

All of a sudden I felt arms around me. Comforting me. I looked up and seen Johnna. Despite all the things I have done to her and put her through she still has a soft spot for me in her heart. I wrapped my arms around her and told her how sorry I was for all of this.

"It's okay. When you love someone you do crazy things. You just have to realize that I don't love you..I did but not anymore. Craig I'm sorry but you have to accept that.", she said looking into my eyes. She hasn't changed. No wonder why I was still in love with her. She's so sweet. No matter who you are she will always care about you. But She's right. I have to accept that she doesn't love me anymore. She loves Jacob. I have to respect that.

"Let's go.", I said standing up and wiping off my face.

"Where are we going?", she asked confused.

"To find Jacob before Natalie does."


Sooo....  how was it? Let me know please!

But Craig does have a heart. Who knew?






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