Why Won't They?

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••Alex's POV•

"I've been here for three days, I still don't know why I can't leave yet." I whined to Jack.
"You whine too much." He teased, bopping my nose. I huffed and glared at him.
"Ok, look, it's just for safety measures, when your safe to leave then you will." He assured me.
"Fine, but I still don't understand why they won't let me see David." I frowned, a ball forming in my throat.

It's been five days since I gave birth to him and I haven't even seen him once. I know this is the first time having a baby but I know damn well that I have every right to see him. I don't find it fair, he's my only son and the only one I'll ever have. They can't do this to me, Jack and everyone has see him even James! Expect me, his mother. I want to hold him, hear his heartbeat and see those blue eyes Jack told me about, I want to see my son, is that so bad?

"I don't know princess." He frowned as he caressed my cheek.
"Alex?" Summer asked, walking in with Sammy behind her.
"Hey guys." I said with a fake smile
"I'll be back." Jack said, kissing my cheek before walking out of the room.
"How you feeling?" Sam asked
"I'm good, I just want to go home and take David with me." I sighed.
"Soon." Summer assured
"How is he?" I asked her, she smiled and walked towards me.

"He's perfect, he smiled today." She squealed, showing me the picture on her phone. I smiled and grabbed it from her. He's still so small, but he was actually smiling. God, I wish I could've been there for that.
"He's so cute." I smiled, wiping away a tear
"And he's your son, yours and Jack's." Summer smiled, I nodded.
"Ours." I chuckled
"You'll see him." She assured, I sighed and nodded.

"How are you guys?" I asked
"We're good." Summer blushed and looked over at Sam.
"I'll take that as you guys have wrestled each other?" I teased
"Something like that." Sam smirked at Summer.
"Shut up." She groaned, slapping him on the chest.
"Anyways, where's mom and James?" I giggled.
"They're in the cafeteria." Sam replied

"Let me guess, James got hungry?" I asked
"When isn't he?" Summer scoffed
"True." I giggled and nodded
"You guys are so mean." Sam chuckled
"Yeah? If we're so mean then why are you laughing?" I asked him.
"Because-shut up." He groaned
"Alex!" James yelled running over to me and smiling as he stuck his hands out for me to pull him up.
"Hi baby." I cooed as I picked him up and hugged him.

"Do you feel bad?" He frowned, I smiled and shook my head.
"Then why are you in a hospital?" He pouted
"I gave birth to David." I replied, rubbing my sort of flat stomach
"Really?!" He gasped and clapped his hands repeatedly
"Where is he now?" He asked in a serious voice as he cupped my face and looked me in the eyes.
"Uh, where the babies go?" I questioned, looking over to my mom

"In a baby room with other babies." She replied with a chuckle
"Yes, that." I nodded and looked back at James.
"Ohhhh, how many did you have?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.
"Only one." I replied to him
"DAVIIID!" He grinned, dragging out the "I"
"Yes, David." I giggled and nodded
"He's so small." He blurted out

"I've heard." I mumbled
"You haven't seen him?" He frowned, I sighed and shook my head.
"James, come here." My mom said picking him up
"Did I make Alex sad?" He sighed
"No, it's ok." I assured him.
"We should go, and you should get some rest, the nurse told me you woke up early and haven't gotten any sleep." My mom ordered.
"I'm just not tired mom." I mumbled with a shrug.

"You have to sleep Alex." Summer said sternly
"Last time I checked, I'm older than you." I huffed.
"You're not older than me." Sammy grinned teasingly.
"I hate you all." I muttered under my breath.
"Just get some rest." My mom warned as they all said their goodbyes. I sihjed and looked up to the white plain ceiling. Sheesh, what it hurt them to add a little bit of color?

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