You're Weird

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"You're weird," I told her, my eyes fixed on the table. She sat beside me, nibbling little pieces of a chicken nugget. She had stopped chewing.

"Really? Am I that weird?"

I nod, my eyes drooped and I knew I looked bored as hell.

"You haven't noticed?" I exhaled out of my nose as a substitute for a laugh. "Actually I'm pretty sure you have. You're super weird, sometimes I wonder why I haven't punched you yet."

"You haven't harmed me because I'm real' special," she had a smug grin form onto her lips and I felt it was a little annoying. Yet she still was so freaking cute. She was annoying in a good way and I'll never tell her that.

"Dream on," I shook my head and she only smiles.

She let's out a content sigh and suddenly she begins to lean to her right. It takes me a moment to realize her head was going to land on my shoulder. I would have moved, I was about to. But instead I let her rest her head on my shoulder.

I can't believe I'm letting her do this.

She has a shit-eating grin on her face and I knew it.

I look down at her without moving my head and she's looking right back. I advert my gaze to somewhere else and someone else is also looking at me. Difference is, is that I did not like this person. She smiles and I look away, back at my tray.

"Hey Gen," she says. I'm wondering when I started to allow her to call me that.


"Can I come over after school?"

I furrow my eyebrows and I think. Should I? She'd force herself in even if I said no, I just know it. It's best to just say yes. Right?

"Um... sure."

She smiles and seems to lean on me even more. She's getting comfortable. I sigh and chew the inside of my cheek.

She's also too close.

Push her away.



"So, haven't you noticed Mr. Peninzki seems to have forgotten about that project?" Julie held onto the straps of her backpack, looking at me as we walked. "We did email it to him and yet he hasn't mentioned the project."

I shrug and keep walking. Honestly, it's fine if he doesn't speak about it. That might just mean we don't have to present it.

"It doesn't matter, just as long as we get a good grade."

She grins and steps sideways as she walks toward me.

"Genevieve Rogers actually cares about her grades?" She gives a fake gasp.

I shake my head and I can't help but to let a small smile form on my lips. A lot of people may think the same.

"Of course I care about my grades, I'm not really a delinquent. I just hate everybody."

She laughs and I feel like I've accomplished something. You know that feeling when you make someone laugh, maybe not but, God did it feel special.

"Do you hate me too?" She asks, turning her head to face me just as we turned the corner.

"Uh-" My mouth closed and I suddenly didn't know how I should respond. Honestly, I didn't hate Julie at all. But it isn't like me to say I didn't.

"You don't huh?" She grins and walks closer to me so our shoulders slightly touched. "I feel special."

"Yes, you are very special Jules," I shake my head and laugh. It didn't sound serious but I am wondering if I am telling the truth.

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